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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

Goal: Increase Payments from Low-Income NCPs

  • By addressing the underlying reasons for non-payment

Why Low-income NCPs?

  1. 1 in 3 NCPs are "dead-broke"
  2. Poor families increasingly dependent on child support as they leave welfare
  3. Increasing payment will increase involvement

Two Reasons Past Responsible Fatherhood Programs Failed to Produce Better Child Outcomes

  1. Low enrollment and retention rates
  2. Low post-enrollment earnings

  Parents Fair Share OCSE RFP Poverty Level
Average Annual Earnings $6,536 $7,649 $8,959

  1. Improving Program Enrollment
    • Court-enforced mandatory participation orders
    • Fathering Courts
      • Jackson County, MO: resulted in $2M increase in collections
      • Fathering court recently established in Washington, DC
  2. Increasing Post-Enrollment Earnings
    • Past (failed) strategy - Job Search
    • Promising Alternative Strategies - Wage Growth

Recommendations for State and Local Child Support Agencies

  1. Develop Fathering Courts
    • Close relationships with judicial branch
    • SIP grant money
  2. Support new and improved Responsible Fatherhood Demonstration
    • Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families Act