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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Department of Revenue

e-IWO Development to Implementation
Timeline for Massachusetts

08/05 Employer Symposium MA CSE senior management first saw the presentation for e-IWO
09/02/05 - Present OCSE Conference calls Systems staff began attending calls.
09/05 - 09/06 Management Prioritization / Assessment of needs
  • Several large projects were going on at the same time so we had to wait for resources.
  • Began to assess what changes needed to be made to compliment eIWO on our system
  • Needed to tighten security to our Employer Table and allow limited staff update abilities.
  • Clean up of multiple/erroneous entries for DFAS on our Employer Table

05/01/06 - 09/07/06 Requirements Design document The requirements gather expanded to include other changes so requirements took a little longer.
  • Made forms changes for IWO and Income Levy process.
  • Removal of several forms from packages
  • Modification of Income Levy threshold
  • Expanded ability to print IWO/ Income Levy forms to specific areas (i.e. locally, centrally, overnight or immediately)
10/05/06 - 12/13/06 Solution Design document More detailed than a requirements document and identified areas needing further clarification of changes requested.

12/13/06 - 02/23/07 Technical Specifications document Technical description of how and what changes were to be done. Including what coding was to be changed.
02/23/07 - 05/14/07 Programming / Coding
  • Coding changes began to be done.
  • Test files with DFAS began on 3/28/07, which allowed any issues to be identified and corrected.
  • Environment issues cause some additional delays.
05/14/07 - 06/08/07 Systems / QA Testing Testing for all other changes made during this project: forms, threshold amounts, printing locations.

June 13, 2007 Implementation !!!

  • Massachusetts began exchanging with DFAS on a daily basis.
  • Post production monitoring was conducted for one month which allows us to identify any additional issues that were not caught or anticipated during testing.
  • Issues identified including forms generation and a billing issue