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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

Multi-cultural Studies - Perspectives from the National Hispanic Work Group

CSE Hispanic Work Group

  • Ja-Na Bordes, Moderator, OCSE, Washington, D.C. Ph: 202-401-5713, E-mail:
  • Norma Castellanos-Perez, Commissioner for Child Support, Superior Court of California, County of Tulare Ph: 559-733-6561 ext.171
  • E-mail:
  • Steve Flores, Outreach and Media Coordinator
    Child Support Services, Bakersfield, CA
    Ph: 661-868-8683, E-mail:

What is the Need

Changing Child Support Eligble Population

  • 1 in 5 children in U.S. is a child of an immigrant
  • Hispanics - almost half (1.4 m) of the national population growth (2005 - 2006).
  • Asian custodial parents to increase by over 80%

CSE Hispanic Work Group Vision

Promote greater access so all Hispanic children and families receive child support services regardless of language and culture.

Mission Statement

  • The purpose of the Hispanic Work Group is to engage child support agencies, court systems, public and private agencies to create greater access and services for diverse language and cultural communities

Guiding Principles

  • 1. Well-being of children first.
  • 2. Recognize and respect diversity within the Hispanic Community
  • 3. Collaboration between LCS, Courts, CBOs
  • 4. Customized outreach and services
  • 5. Needs and evaluation of services will be supported by research data.

Do our Services Reach Families with Linguistic/Cultural Diversity?

Check out Local Demographic:

Barriers to Accessing Services

  • Language
  • Immigrant status - Fear of deportation
  • Distrust of government
  • Guilt, Anxiety, . . . .
  • Cash-based economy
  • Hispanic mothers less likely to seek CS order


Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination as it Affects Persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

  • Health and Social service providers must
    • take adequate steps to ensure
    • meaningful access to services
    • free of charge
[Regulation 45 C.F.R. Part 80, DOJ Guidance; DHHS Guidance; OCSE Information Memorandum]

Hispanic Communities Need Child Support Services

  • Accessible
  • Language appropriate
  • Culturally relevant
  • Credible

CSE Hispanic Work Group Strategies

  • 1. Promote a presence in Hispanic Community
  • 2. Promote confidence & increase access
  • 3. Build Collaborations to benefit Hispanic families and children
  • 4. Resources, Tools, Training & Technical Assistance for LCS, and partners
  • Need to Work with Community Based Organizations

    • Provide information and education to sources where Hispanic go for information.
      • CBOs are trusted
      • Faith based are important
    • Community Outreach and Visibility
      • Develops Trust and Credibility
      • Creates source of information about community for the LCS


    1. Best Practices
    2. Templates
    3. Web-based "Resource Kit" and "How To" manuals
    4. Leveraging resources
    5. IT3
    6. Partnerships w/CBOs

    Web-based Tool Kit

    • Goal: The goal of the web-based tool kit is to assist a variety of partners, the courts and CSE offices in providing child support services.
    • Approach: To offer strategies and material that can be easily downloaded and adapted by state and local offices, courts and partners.

    Downloadable Products

    • Brochures and Posters
    • Translation and interpretation services
    • Communications material
    • Testimonials

    Downloadable Products

    • Partnerships and collaboration - "how to"
    • Presentations and speeches
    • Handout material
    • Fact Sheets
    • Special events

    Downloadable Products

    • Advertising
    • Public Service Announcements
    • Media Advisories
    • Press Releases
    • Other

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