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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children



ATTACHMENT: MSFIDM May 11 and 12 Conference Meeting Minutes

DATE: August 16, 2004


RE: Follow-up Multistate Financial Institution Data Match Federal Levy Process

Dear Colleague:

On May 11-12, 2004, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) hosted a meeting in Washington, D.C. to discuss the proposed Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM) Federal Levy legislation and process. State IV-D Directors, OCSE staff, and multistate financial institution (MSFI) representatives attended the two-day meeting. OCSE is committed to keeping states informed of the activities surrounding the MSFIDM proposal, and as part of that effort, the summary notes from the meeting are enclosed for your review.

As a result of meeting discussions, attendees agreed that three smaller workgroups should be created to address jurisdiction, standardization, and automated enforcement in interstate cases (AEI) as related to levy processing. Each workgroup will include IV-D Directors, or their designees, OCSE staff, and MSFI representatives. Please refer to the summary notes for a description of each workgroup. Ray Weaver, Chair of the IV-D Directors' Policy Committee, distributed an e-mail to all state IV-D Directors requesting volunteers for the three workgroups. Listed below are the state volunteers and their workgroup affiliation:

Jurisdiction—Marilyn Ray Smith (MA), Margot Bean (NY), Larry Knowles (NY), Michele Tart (NC)

Standardization—Carol Eaton (IA), Marilyn Ray Smith (MA), Ray Weaver (WA), Doris Taylor (IA), Lee Sapienza (NY), Annette Trammell (AR), Daphne Risch (IN), Barry Miller (NC), Jennifer Longmeyer-Wood (DC), Sarah Cooper (OH)

AEI—Alisha Griffin (NJ), Steve Yarborough (SC), Connie White (VA), Barry Burger (NC), Andy Szymak (OK)

OCSE will designate a Federal lead for each workgroup and coordinate the initial conference call. The initial calls will take place in September 2004, and will include state volunteers and OCSE staff. MSFI representatives will be invited to participate on subsequent conference calls. Each workgroup will designate a state lead and will outline workgroup tasks and a timeline for completing tasks.

If you are interested in volunteering for one of the workgroups or designating a representative from your state for a workgroup, please contact Sherri Grigsby at (202) 401-6114.

Your support and cooperation are greatly appreciated as we work together to improve the lives of our nation’s children.


Sherri Z. Heller, Ed.D.
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc: Regional Program Managers (w/o Enclosure)
ACF Regional Administrators (w/o Enclosure)

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