Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Clearinghouse acf home privacy policy

Connecticut Bulk Fuel Discount

  • The statewide fixed margin oil discount program started out as a pilot in 1990 in one county; after expanding steadily each year it is now statewide. A predetermined amount, 25 cents, is allowed to be added to the wholesale price of fuel oil for resale to LIHEAP recipients. The program pays participating vendors the margin price or their retail price, whichever is lower. Vendors must put their regular retail price on all delivery tickets. The local administering agency or the state calculates the fixed margin price.


2003: $1.8 million
2002: $1.9 million
2001: $2 million
2000: $654,904
1999: $1.4 million
1998: $865,649
1997: $772,400
1996: $711,300
1995: $1.3 million
1994: $1.4 million
1993: $1 million
1992: $239,000
1991: $25,000

Page Last Updated: December 7, 2005