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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

November 12, 1993


Dear Colleague:

As you may know, on September 21, 1993 President Clinton signed into law the National and Community Service Trust Act. The Act provides an opportunity for Americans of every background, with a special emphasis on young people, to provide services to our communities and Nation and in turn receive educational awards for their substantial commitment to service.

The two attachments provide detailed information regarding the Act. Attachment A is an outline of the legislation and Attachment B provides a summary of the Act and a User's Guide that answers frequently asked questions.

The National and Community Service Trust Act has the potential to benefit various components in the United States. While individuals who participate in this program can receive educational opportunities, communities can benefit from the participants' provided services.

In order for a State to participate, it must create a Commission which in turn may submit grant applications for this endeavor. In States with approved applications, there may be opportunities for the Child Support Enforcement Program to perform a meaningful public service while simultaneously enhancing the Program's ability to deliver services to the community.

If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Yvette Hilderson Riddick at (202) 401-4885 or write to: Office of Child Support Enforcement, National Training Center, 370 L'Enfant Promenade SW, 4th Floor, Washington, DC 20447.


Robert C. Harris

Acting Deputy Director

Office of Child Support



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