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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

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Displaying records 1 - 25 from the 48 total records in the database.

DCL-01-50, Base Level Program Expenditures for Incentive Reinvestment Purposes - Revision     

Calculating the base amount of spending for each state for incentive reinvestment purposes.

DCL-01-48, Training of Child Support Enforcement Trainers Course     

TOT Trainer's Guide contains a revised curriculum with new case studies that reflect changes in the CSE program, an expanded section on audiovisual equipment that includes items not in existence 15 years ago and updated exercises.

DCL-01-47, Procedures for the Optional Electronic Submission of State Plan Material     

These guidelines provide the State IV-D Agency the option of electronically submitting the second copy of the Transmittal and Notice of Approval of State Plan Material (Form OCSE-21-U4) and State Plan Pre-Print Pages into the OCSE State Plan System.

DCL-01-46, The Family Violence Indicator Computer-Based Training Program     

This letter transmits the Family Violence Indicator Computer Based Training Program.

DCL-01-45, Child Support Enforcement, The Big Picture: Putting the Pieces Together, Computer Based Training Course     

This letter transmits a new computer based training course entitled,

DCL-01-44, National Technical Assistance and Training Needs     

This Report highlights major issues and technical assistance and training needs as identified by the States.

DCL-01-43, Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Agencies and Courts Project     

The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) and the Federal Office of Child Support (OCSE) are investigating the feasibility of creating standards for using extensible Markup Language to exchange information between courts and child support enforcement units.

DCL-01-42, Clinger Cohen Review of Expanded Federal Parent Locator Service     

As originally announced during the annual automation conferences in Seattle, WA on April 2, 2001, and Washington, D.C. on April 23, 2001, the OCSE expanded Federal Parent Locator System (FPLS) will be undergoing an independent life cycle review in compliance with Federal law.

DCL-01-41, Data Reliability Audit Requirements for the Fiscal Year 2001 Reporting Period     

Section 452(a)(4)(C)(I) of Part D of Title IV of the Social Security Act, requires the Office of Child Support Enforcement’s (OCSE) Office of Audit to conduct Data Reliability Audits (DRAs) to evaluate the completeness, reliability, security and the accuracy of the performance indicator data reported by the States.

DCL-01-40, Expanded Federal Parent Locator Service Safeguarding Certification     

FPLS annually requires all states to submit certifications of compliance with safeguard and security requirements relating to locate information received from the FPLS, FCR, etc.

DCL-01-39, Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet 2000) Fees For Fiscal Year (FY) 2002     

This letter concerns the user fees assessed for State access and usage of the child support enforcement network (CSENET2000).

DCL-01-38, Federal Parent Locator Service Fees for Fiscal Year (FY) 2002     

Under PRWORA of 1996, OCSE is authorized to recover costs incurred in furnishing information at rates determined by the Secretary to be reasonable. The user fees assessed for State access and usage of the expanded FPLS have increased the effectiveness of the FPLS mission.

DCL-01-37, Child Support Classroom Training for the Employer Community     

Transmittal of training guides for Step-by-Step Child Support For Employers, a one-day course on The Employer's Desk Guide to Child Support.

DCL-01-36, OCSE Video on Paternity Establishment in Spanish     

Transmits Spanish language paternity establishment video, El Poder de Dos: El Reconocimiento Voluntario do la Paternidad, communicating opportunity to voluntarily establish paternity and providing explanation of the rights and responsiblities as result of signing a paternity acknowlegment.

DCL-01-35, IRS Tax Rebate Letters     

Tax rebate checks may be offset for any federal debt owed.

DCL-01-34, Financial Institution Data Match for Child Support Enforcement Agencies Training Course     

Training course for the history and implementation of the financial Institution Data Match (FIDM).

DCL-01-33, Base Year Level of Program Expenditures for Incentive Reinvesting Purposes     

This DCL disseminates two ways of calculating the base amount of program expenditures for incentive reinvestment purposes. The first table enclosed shows the 1998 State share of administrative expenditures less actual incentive payments by State. The second table shows the average State share of administrative expenditures for FY's 1996, 1997, and 1998 less actual incentive payments.

DCL-01-32, Announcement of Section 115 Demonstration Grant Applications     

OCSE announces the availability of Fiscal Year 2001 funding under Section 1115 of the Social Security Act for demonstration activities intended to add to the knowledge, and to promote the objectives, of the Child Support Enforcement Program under Title IV-D. This announcement contains the FY 2001 priority areas for funding, togther with the forms and instructions for submitting an application.

DCL-01-31, FY 2000 Data Preview Report     

This Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) data preview report highlights financial and statistical achievements of the Child Support Enforcement program for fiscal year 2000. This report is a first look at fisal year 2000 data and shows achievements made in the Child Support program over the previous year. The information is taken from State-submitted reports on program status sent to OCSE.

DCL-01-30, Dissemination of Research Findings on Minnesota Child Support Assurance     

This DCL disseminates the executive summary on Minnesota child support assurance. Some of the report's conclusions vary depending on what objectives CSA is intended to fulfill. If the aim of CSA is to reduce poverty and MFIP participation, a statewide CSA program does not seem to be a cost-effective solution. If the aim of CSA is to provide an alternative transitional benefit for those leaving MFIP or to provide transitional assistance in cases where the noncustodial parent's income is below minimum wage and the NCP is participating in an employment program, it may be a viable and economically feasible solution.

DCL-01-29, Ad-Hoc Reporting     

Conference calls on using child support data to support performance and decision making.

DCL-01-28, Approval and Claim of Enhanced (80%) FFP for Automated Systems     

A spreadsheet showing each State's allocation of enhanced funding for automated systems is enclosed for them.

DCL-01-27, State Disbursement Unit (SDU) Matrix     

State Disbursement Unit matrix update for Spring 2001.

DCL-01-26, Dissemination of Research Findings on Making Child Support Safe for Victims of Domestic Violence in Four States     

Disseminates the executive summary of making child support safe for victims of domestic violence (dv) in 4 study States. Some findings are that tapping the expertise of specialized staff can help address DV concerns; supporting local cross-training efforts can deepen understanding among agencies; tying informaion systems together can help protect client safety, and ensuring broad local participaton strengthens planning for policy and procedures.

DCL-01-25, Federal Offset Modernization Workgroup Contact Listing     

Workgroup for the effort of building a Federal Offset Modernization program.

... Next 23 Records