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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children & Families
Office of Child Support Enforcement

DCL-98-117    Nov 05, 1998


RE: Federal Case Registry (FCR) Interface Guidance Document: Update 4

Dear Colleague:

Enclosed you will find the fourth update to the FCR Interface Guidance Document (IGD). This update of appendix J describes new, changed or deleted error codes. This information is important to the automated State system interface with the FCR. The attached pages, J-1 through J-17, replace the entire current Appendix J. The changed codes are summarized in Attachment A to this letter. Minor formatting and grammatical changes have also been made, but are not included in Attachment A.

In some cases the changes contained in this update to Appendix J reflect changes that need to be made in other sections of the IGD. Additional changes to the IGD will be distributed in the near future. It was important to provide the attached information as soon as possible.

Should you have any questions about the enclosed material, please call your State Technical Assistance liaison or the FPLS Information Line at (202) 401-9267.

Thank you for your assistance in the implementation of the Federal Case Registry. Your continued support and cooperation is greatly appreciated as we strive towards our goal of improving the lives of our nation's children.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc: Regional Program Managers
FCR Technical Contacts

OCTOBER 30, 1998

Error Code

Description of Change

5011 Changed the description of "Invalid Date Stamp - Year 2000-compliant format required". J-2
LE002 Added the Error Code "Submitted SSN is unverified". J-3
LE003 Changed the description to add an additional condition "A 'CS' Locate Request Type is not allowed for a person who is not registered in a IV-D case". J-3
PE001 Changed the description to no longer require that the SSN be an issued SSN. J-4
PE002 Changed the description to add an additional condition "The Case ID for Record Identifier 'FR' with Action Type Code 'A' or 'F' does not match an existing Case ID on the FCR". J-4
PE007 Changed the description to read "The person being added already exists on the FCR with the same State Code, SSN and Case ID". J-4
PE008 Changed the description to allow a CH Participant Type to be changed. J-4
PE009 Deleted Error Code "CP already exits for case" because a case can have more than one CP. N/A
PE015 Added the Error Code "Person transactions must be resubmitted for verification". J-5
PE016 Added the Error Code "Case Type and Order Indicator inconsistent". J-5
TE004 Changed the description to include New Member ID. J-8
TE006 Changed the description to show condition can appear for persons or cases. J-8
TE012 Added the Error Code "Duplicate State Code, Case ID, and SSN". J-9
TE022 Changed the description to remove a condition "Locate Source must be a valid code or spaces for Action Type Codes 'A' and 'C'" which is covered by TE027. J-10
TE027 Changed the description to add 'AD' as an invalid Locate Source for this Locate Request Type. J-12
TE028 Added the Error Code "IRS 1099 Indicator or Locate Source required". J-12
TE033 Changed the description by adding "and not equal to all sixes or all nines". J-13
TE039 Changed the description to modify the conditions of "Inconsistent Order Indicator". J-13
TW002 Changed the description to clarify the allowable values for State or country of birth. J-14
TW009 Added the Error Code "Additional Name invalid for Action Type Code". J-15

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