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The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

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Displaying records 1 - 25 from the 55 total records in the database.

DCL-93-58, Training of Trainers Course     

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement`s (OCSE) National Training Center is planning to conduct a delivery of the Training of Trainers (TOT) course. The course, newly revised and scheduled for April 25 - 29, 1994 will be conducted at OCSE headquarters in Washington, DC. The TOT course is built around the 5-D Training Process, a systematic approach for assessing training needs and for designing, developing, delivering, and evaluating training.

DCL-93-64, International Parental Kidnapping Crime Act of 1993     

The International Parental Kidnapping Crime Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-173), enacted on December 2, 1993, makes it a Federal crime to remove a child from the United States or retain a child (who had been in the United States) outside the United States with intent to obstruct the lawful exercise of parental rights. Punishment could be imprisonment for not more than three years, or a fine, or both. The statute also establishes three affirmative defenses to the offense.

DCL-93-63, National Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Trainer Directory     

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement`s (OCSE) National Training Center is compiling a national child support enforcement (CSE) trainer directory. Once the directory is completed, we hope that CSE trainers will use it to identify their counterparts in other States and to communicate with them, thus stimulating collaboration nationwide.

DCL-93-62, Tenth Collection Report for Tax Offset     

This document references the collection report representing the tax refund offsets for the month of November 1993 minus the service fee and any adjustments made during this period for the 1988 through 1993 processing years. The electronic funds transfer should be accomplished on December 7, 1993. The net collection total for November for 7,167 offsets is $4,213,356. The year-to-date total for processing year 1993 is $617,305,646 for 939,256 offsets as compared to $640,370,306 for 982,975 offsets for processing year 1992.

DCL-93-61, Criminal Non-Support     

Many IV-D Directors or designees have met with their respective United States Attorneys for the district(s) situated within your State to discuss and develop procedures for referral of appropriate cases for possible prosecution under the Child Support Recovery Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-521). We are enclosing for your review and consideration a copy of the procedures and forms developed as a result of discussions between the Virginia Division of Child Support Enforcement and the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia as an example of one approach.

DCL-93-60, OBRA Amendments to ERISA     

This document describes a Department of Labor (DOL) Request for Information, regarding the need for a regulation clarifying certain Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA`93) amendments to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) addressing qualified medical child support orders (QMCSOs).

DCL-93-59, Demonstration Grant Awards     

This is to inform you of the new demonstration grants recently awarded to States as a result of the OCSE Program Announcement No. OCSE-93-1 dated July 1, 1993. This announcement informed State IV-D Directors of the availability of research funding for program improvement grants for three priority projects.

DCL-93-56, State Child Support Legislation on New Hires and Licensing Restrictions/Revocations     

On July 23, 1993, OCSE sent a letter (DC-93-35) transmitting two tables summarizing key provisions of State child support legislation on immediate W-4/employer reporting of new hires and on licensing restrictions/revocations. Our Regional Offices recently contacted States and found some new legislative activity in these areas. In addition, some of the details contained in the original tables have been clarified. Enclosed are updated tables and lists of State contact people.

DCL-93-55, National and Community Service Trust Act     

On September 21, 1993 President Clinton signed into law the National and Community Service Trust Act. The Act provides an opportunity for Americans of every background, with a special emphasis on young people, to provide services to our communities and Nation and in turn receive educational awards for their substantial commitment to service. In order for a State to participate, it must create a Commission which in turn may submit grant applications for this endeavor. In States with approved applications, there may be opportunities for the Child Support Enforcement Program to perform a meaningful public service while simultaneously enhancing the Program`s ability to deliver services to the community.

DCL-93-54, FPLS Quarterly Invoice     

This document references a quarterly invoice for the period July 1, 1993 through September 30, 1993 for non-AFDC IV-D, locate only and parental kidnapping/child custody cases processed by the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS). In accordance with Action Transmittal (OCSE-AT-93-01), dated January 26, 1993, the FPLS will calculate the quarterly cost for services requested by each State and advise each State of the appropriate cost for the quarter via the quarterly invoice.

DCL-93-53, Ninth Collection Report for 1993 Federal Tax Refund Offset Program     

This document references the collection report representing the tax refund offsets for the month of October 1993 minus the service fee and any adjustments made during this period for the 1988 through 1993 processing years. The electronic funds transfer should be accomplished on November 5, 1993. The net collection total for October for 6,825 offsets is $3,558,159. The year-to-date total for processing year 1993 is $612,998,077 for 932,089 offsets as compared to $636,252,487 for 975,179 offsets for processing year 1992.

DCL-93-52, Issuance of Pre-Offset Notices     

This document references a report which represents cases that were submitted by your state for the issuance of pre-offset notices but for which a mailing address could not be determined. Therefore these are being returned to you as "no match" cases. The unmatched cases have been classified in one of the following three categories: SSN NOT ON FILE, NAME DOES NOT AGREE, OR INVALID COMBINATION OF NAME AND SSN. We encourage you to use this report to identify cases which require additional research prior to submittal next year.

DCL-93-48, HCFA Proposed Rule Regarding Medical Assistance     

This document contains information on the publication by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) of a proposed rule, with comment period, addressing the process of referring to IV-D agencies cases in which medical assistance is furnished to families who may be in need of child support services and cooperative agreements with IV-D agencies.

DCL-93-50, States Issuing Their Own Pre-Offset Notices     

This document contains information on addresses for those States who issue their own pre-offset notices. These addresses should assist your State in the mailing of all the notices by Octobetr 31, 1993. Please use these addresses provided by IRS to update your files.

DCL-93-49, Draft Order/Notice for Income Withholding     

This document references a draft Order/Notice for Income Withholding that the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is developing in conjunction with representatives of State Child Support Enforcement (CSE) agencies and employer and payroll groups. OCSE and the work group have met several times since April 1993, to develop a standardized form for uniformly transmitting to employers the information necessary to withhold income from obligors` paychecks in a straightforward, simple manner. A standardized form should be especially useful to multi-state employers who receive myriad income withholding orders or notices.

DCL-93-46, Eighth Collection Report for 1993 Federal Tax Refund Offset Program     

This document references the collection report representing the tax refund offsets for the month of September 1993 minus the service fee and any adjustments made during this period for the 1988 through 1993 processing years. The electronic funds transfer should be accomplished on October 7, 1993. The net collection total for September for 13,576 offsets is $7,336,883. The year-to-date total for processing year 1993 is $609,336,228 for 925,264 offsets as compared to $632,258,673 for 965,620 offsets for processing year 1992.

DCL-93-44, Presumptive Guidelines for Child Support Awards--Four Year Reviews     

Federal law and regulations require each State to have presumptive guidelines for setting child support award amounts in the State. See ?467 of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR ?302.56. These guidelines may be established by law or by judicial or administrative action. Federal law and regulations also mandate that guidelines shall be reviewed at least once every four years to ensure that their application results in the determination of appropriate child support award amounts.

DCL-93-42, Role of IV-D Agency and Staff in Delivering Program Services     

This is to bring your attention to several changes to OCSE-IM-93- 03, concerning the statutory information on Alabama, Colorado, and Texas, on the role of the IV-D agency and its staff in delivering program services.

DCL-93-47, Arrearages on Full-Collection Cases Pilot Project     

This memo is to instruct all States participating in the pilot project how to report any downward modifications or deletions of arrearages on a full collection case. As a reminder, States will be unable to increase the arrearage amount for the pilot project cases.

DCL-93-43, Differences Between URESA and UIFSA     

While some States continue to use the (Revised) Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act [R)URESA], others have passed legislation which enables them to use a new interstate law entitled the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA). To assist States in the use of both laws in interstate case processing, we are providing the enclosure entitled A Summary of the Differences between the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act and the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.

DCL-93-41, Tax Refund Offset Collection Report     

This document references the collection report representing the tax refund offsets for the month of August 1993 minus the service fee and any adjustments made during this period for the 1988 through 1993 processing years. The electronic funds transfer should be accomplished on September 8, 1993. The net collection total for August for 16,506 offsets is $6,941,646. The year-to-date total for processing year 1993 is $601,827,582 for 911,688 offsets as compared to $627,139,972 for 952,700 offsets for processing year 1992.

DCL-93-39, CSE Role in Criminal Prosecution     

This letter addresses the role of State Child Support Enforcement (CSE) agencies in the Federal criminal prosecution of certain out-of-state delinquent obligors.

DCL-93-40, Cost Recovery for FPLS     

This document contains information on the Office of Child Support Enforcement`s (OCSE) continuing efforts to simplify the cost recovery procedures for States submitting non-AFDC, locate only, rand parental kidnapping and child custody cases to the Federal Parent Locator Services (FPLS) for processing. Unlike pervious instructions, we will refund States` unspent advance payment balances for FY 93 instead of carrying over these balances into the next fiscal year (as we stated in AT-92-04). This is to accommodate several States` requests that we refund their money.

DCL-93-36, OBRA of 1993 (P.L. 103-66)     

This document contains information regarding Federal legislation which will impact State IV-D programs. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (P.L. 103-66), enacted into law on August 10, 1993, contains a key amendment to the paternity requirements under title IV-D of the Social Security Act (the Act) and several other provisions which will also impact the IV-D program.

DCL-93-37, Certifications of Compliance/FPLS     

The Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) annually requires all States to submit certifications of compliance with safeguard and security requirements relating to locate information received from the FPLS. This is our method of reminding you of your responsibility as a IV-D Director to safeguard and protect data returned from the FPLS. jurisdiction with on-line access to the FPLS.

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