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Marmet (Lock and Dam)
Belle, WV

Photo - Marmet Photos
General Information
River and Harbor Act of 3 July 1930.
Construction $3,565,900
Non-navigable, gated dam, top length 557ft-5-1/2". Five roller gates, spanning 100ft-3-1/2" between piers. Damming height, 26 feet.
Of an estimated 409 acres in the project, approximately 8 acres fee required for the lock site, 13 acres fee for the abutment site, and flowage easements or other lesser interests over the remaining area.
Kanawha River, 67.7 miles above mouth of River at Marmet, W. Va.
Twin locks, each of which is 56 feet wide by 360 feet long, with miter gates.
8.0 acres fee at lock site. 12.8 acres fee at abutment site. 388.3 acres flowage easements.
Normal upper pool elevation 590.0 feet, m.s.l., upper pool length 15.0 miles to London Dam, normal upper pool surface area 1,300 acres, normal lower pool elevation 566.0 feet m.s.l. (upper pool of Winfield Dam), and normal lift 24.0 feet.
One recreation area exist and one is proposed. (See R/H 47 for locations and status.)
No extensive relocations necessary, but remedial measures required to adapt certain facilities to new pool conditions.
All construction work is complete. The project was placed in operation during August 1933 and was completed in June 1934.
Lock Photos
6 Photos
Last Updated Mar. 10, 2004
Other Lock and Dams
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Navigation Info
Center of Expertise for Inalnd Navigation
How and where to purchase navigation charts
On-line navigation charts available for download. This list will grow overtime to provide all charts in the LRD division.
Navigation Data Information System
The LRD website allows you to sign up for email notifications of Nav Notices that are only applicable to the tributaries of your choosing.
Locations of vessels (boats/tows/barges) on the rivers.
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LRH Operations
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District
502 Eighth Street
Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 399-5000
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