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On July 21, 1861, as the First Battle of Manassas raged around the Robinson House, James Robinson sent his family to safety at a nearby home. Unable to join them, Robinson hid under a bridge, emerging after the battle to find 13 Confederate soldiers lying dead in his front yard.

Barely one year later, in late August 1862, the Robinson House served as a shelter for Union dead and wounded during the Second Battle of Manassas. Despite the ravaged landscape, James Robinson and his family found the spirit to overcome the war’s destruction and to fashion for themselves an identity that was uniquely African and American. 

  (illustration) Map showing Robinson House on First Manassas battlefield. Click for full map.
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(illustration) Illustration of the Robinson House on the First Manassas battlefield.

The Robinson House was located in the heart of the Manassas battlefield. Click image for a full map.