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In the colonial era, some of the largest ethnicities to arrive in the colonies were peoples of West and Central Africa who were brought in as slaves. While enslaved, Africans interacted with each other, as well as with Europeans and Native Americans. They mingled their varied cultural practices in creative ways that were both subtle and obvious, and left a lasting imprint on American culture.

These imprints, often called Africanisms, are elements of culture that are traceable to an African origin. Through these Africanisms, African Americans maintained their unique cultural identities while also establishing themselves as an integral part of America’s cultural landscape. Archeological evidence for Africanisms is varied and complex. Two examples are found in colonoware and "mancala". 

  (photo) Colonoware Cauldron from Kingsmill, Utopia. Credit: Virginia Department of Historic Resources.
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(photo) Small pieces of glass and stone.

A colonoware pottery sherd of a material similar to that of this cauldron was found at the Robinson site.