United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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California Statewide Animal Water Quality Initiative

The California NRCS EQIP Water Quality Initiative for dairy and animal feeding operations is offered to provide accelerated financial and technical assistance to producers who are facing increasing water quality related regulatory requirements on animal feeding operations, dairies and other similar operations. Various Federal and State agencies in California have announced or will announce in the near future, permit requirements which establish waste discharge standards. The NRCS State Conservationist in California has determined that a separate statewide funding pool will be established from California’s general Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) allocation in Fiscal Year 2008 to provide support to producers in meeting these new requirements as well as other natural resource protection. Farmers and ranchers in nearly all counties in California are eligible for the CA NRCS Statewide Water Quality Initiative.

Program Description

The EQIP Water Quality Initiative provides financial and technical assistance to producers to voluntarily meet regulatory agency requirements for waste discharge and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) standards related to surface runoff or ground water quality. Practices that promote water conservation and reduce or manage non-point source pollutants (nutrients) may be utilized on these kinds of operations and associated cropland to address priority resource concerns and to help comply with other agency rules and regulations. Applications will be screened and ranked statewide in a single pool using factors that address the above cited objectives and provide the most environmental benefit towards protecting or improving surface and ground water resources.

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