Overseas Security: State Department Has Not Fully Implemented Key Measures to Protect U.S. Officials from Terrorist Attacks Outside of Embassies

GAO-05-642 May 9, 2005
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U.S. government officials working overseas are at risk from terrorist threats. Since 1968, 32 embassy officials have been attacked--23 fatally--by terrorists outside the embassy. As the State Department continues to improve security at U.S. embassies, terrorist groups are likely to focus on "soft" targets--such as homes, schools, and places of worship. GAO was asked to determine whether State has a strategy for soft target protection; assess State's efforts to protect U.S. officials and their families while traveling to and from work; assess State's efforts overseas to improve security at schools attended by the children of U.S. officials; and describe issues related to protection at their residences.

State has a number of programs and activities designed to protect U.S. officials and their families outside the embassy, including security briefings, protection at schools and residences, and surveillance detection. However, State has not developed a comprehensive strategy that clearly identifies safety and security requirements and resources needed to protect U.S. officials and their families abroad from terrorist threats outside the embassy. State officials raised a number of challenges related to developing and implementing such a strategy. They also indicated that they have recently initiated an effort to develop a soft targets strategy. As part of this effort, State officials said they will need to address and resolve a number of legal and financial issues. Three State initiated investigations into terrorist attacks against U.S. officials outside of embassies found that the officials lacked the necessary hands-on training to help counter the attack. The investigations recommended that State provide hands-on counterterrorism training and implement accountability measures to ensure compliance with personal security procedures. After each of these investigations, State reported to Congress that it planned to implement the recommendations, yet we found that State's hands-on training course is not required, the accountability procedures have not been effectively implemented, and key embassy officials are not trained to implement State's counterterrorism procedures. State instituted a program in 2003 to improve security at schools, but its scope has not yet been fully determined. In fiscal years 2003 and 2004, Congress earmarked $29.8 million for State to address security vulnerabilities against soft targets, particularly at overseas schools. The multiphase program provides basic security hardware to protect U.S. officials and their families at schools and some off-compound employee association facilities from terrorist threats. However, during our visits to posts, regional security officers were unclear about which schools could qualify for security assistance under phase three of the program. State's program to protect U.S. officials and their families at their residences is primarily designed to deter crime, not terrorism. The Residential Security program includes basic security hardware and local guards, which State officials said provide effective deterrence against crime, though only limited deterrence against a terrorist attack. To minimize the risk and consequences of a residential terrorist attack, some posts we visited limited the number of U.S. officials living in specific apartment buildings. To provide greater protection against terrorist attacks, some posts we visited used surveillance detection teams in residential areas.


Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Implemented" or "Not implemented" based on our follow up work.

Jess T. Ford
Government Accountability Office: International Affairs and Trade
(202) 512-4268

Recommendations for Executive Action

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should include in the current development of a comprehensive soft target strategy information that determines the extent of State's responsibilities for providing security to U.S. officials and their families outside the embassy.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should include in the current development of a comprehensive soft target strategy information that addresses the legal and financial ramifications of funding security improvements to schools, places of worship, and the private sector.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should include in the current development of a comprehensive soft target strategy information that develops programs and activities with Foreign Affairs Manual standards and guidelines to provide protection for those areas for which State is deemed responsible for.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should include in the current development of a comprehensive soft target strategy information that integrates into the embassy emergency action plan elements of the soft targets program.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should mandate counterterrorism training and prioritize which posts, officials, and family members should receive counterterrorism training first.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should track attendance to determine compliance with this new training requirement.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should add a "soft target protection" training module to the ambassadorial, deputy chief of mission, and regional security officer training to promote the security of U.S. officials and their families outside the embassy.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should fully implement the personal security accountability system that State agreed to implement in response to the 2003 Accountability Review Board for all embassy officials.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State, working with the Overseas Security Policy Board, should develop related accountability standards for the Foreign Affairs Manual that can be used to monitor compliance.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: In commenting on a draft of this report, State generally agreed with most of the recommendations and stated that it would examine the others. Action pending.