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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

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ATTACHMENT: Core Set of Transactions

DATE: July 13, 2007


RE: CSENet 2000 Core Set of Transactions

Dear Colleague:

As requested during the National Child Support Interstate and Systems Symposium last year, the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is supporting efforts to improve the business use of the Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet) as part of its Continuous Service Improvement Initiative for Interstate Communications.

In response to input from State representatives, OCSE is pleased to announce the establishment of a core set of CSENet interstate transactions. Currently there are 183 valid transactions; this core set is comprised of 95 transactions. Establishing a core set of transactions is the first step in improving electronic interstate communications by providing States with guidance to streamline transactions. OCSE recommends that States use the core set of transactions when enhancing existing programming, as well as during the development of new CSENet functionality. By doing this, States will focus programming efforts on fewer CSENet transactions to more efficiently convey interstate business activities. States can also consider incorporating these transactions during other initiatives, such as the development or planning for major enhancements to statewide Child Support Enforcement systems.

An immediate benefit to States sending a core set of transactions is increased standardization by establishing a common playing field for electronic interstate communications. During the analysis of CSENet usage it was revealed that not one State sent all valid transactions, but rather each State sent a varied number of different transactions. States can move towards exchanging the same set of transactions by using the core set of transactions. Additional benefits States may realize include:

The attached core set of transactions was identified through an analysis of CSENet usage, cross-reference with Intergovernmental Forms and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and input from State representatives during multiple national interstate communication conference calls.

OCSE encourages all States to consider developing and implementing full CSENet functionality through the exchange of this core set of transactions. While States will not have to program at this time to delete transactions excluded from the core set, future activities may include further reduction of transactions.

We extend our appreciation to our State partners for the valuable insights provided during the development of this core set of transactions. Our efforts to improve CSENet communications and your ongoing participation is important as we work together to improve the lives of our nation’s children.

If you have any questions on the attached guidance document, please contact Kathy Miller at (703) 367-3076 or e-mail, your CSENet End User Support representative, or the Service Desk at 1-800-258-2736. A list of technical representatives can be found on the OCSE Web site at:


Margot Bean
Office of Child Support Enforcement

cc: Regional Program Managers
ACF Regional Administrators
CSENet 2000 Points of Contact and Technical Points of Contact

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