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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children



DATE: January 11, 2008


RE: Conversion of CSENet File Exchanges from OCSENet to CONNECT:Direct

Dear Colleague:

On April 20, 2007 (DCL-07-10), OCSE announced an initiative designed to guide us forward in the application of technology to better support our services and users. I wrote:

"We have also looked closely at the ability of our existing technical infrastructure to meet changing requirements. Based on the findings of this analysis, we have decided to consolidate all segments of our processing infrastructure within the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) National Computer Center (NCC)."

"Additionally, we are currently supporting FPLS data exchanges to child support enforcement agencies across two separate networks (OCSENet and SSA’s Network). Since there is no practical or technical reason justifying continued maintenance of these two redundant networks, we have decided to consolidate our State-to-State and State-to-FPLS communication traffic across the SSA network. This will result in efficiencies that will reduce operating costs."

As part of this consolidation effort OCSE has redeployed the CSENet application to the SSA NCC. This redeployment will require that each State change the file transfer method it currently uses for the communication of CSENet transactions. Current methods of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) via OCSENet will be converted to the State’s existing CONNECT:Direct (C:D) connection to the NCC.

OCSE is currently developing a process for this conversion. Conversion planning will begin with a pilot of five States beginning in early 2008. The conversion process for all States will be shared in coordination with Release 08-02. This conversion is anticipated to begin in October 2008, and run through the end of 2010.

The CSENet End User Support team will be contacting each State for communications issues. For planning purposes, initial contact will occur three months prior to the scheduled conversion dates that each State has been assigned.

The State designated coordinator will be responsible for:

Data transmissions for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Kids 1st, electronic Income Withholding Order (e-IWO) and Query Interstate Cases for Kids (QUICK) applications will continue to use OCSENet. Internet initiatives for these applications are currently in the early planning stages.

Through continued application of our standard release process and regular communication of proposed timelines and impacts, we will work with States to plan and schedule all phases of the transition process. Additional technical details and timelines will be provided in subsequent communications.

If you have any questions regarding the schedule or process being used, contact your CSENet End User Support representative or the Service Desk at 1-800-258-2736. The list of technical representatives can be found on the OCSE Web site at:

We appreciate your cooperation in supporting this effort to ensure continued secure data exchanges for the CSENet interstate communications application.


Margot Bean
Office of Child Support Enforcement

cc: Regional Program Managers
ACF Regional Administrators

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