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USMA Library, United States Military Academy at West Point

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Remote Access to Library Resources

Remote Access to Restricted Resources: When you are using a computer (PC or Mac) which is not connected to the USMA network, a proxy server will allow you to authenticate your account with our library server in order to access restricted resources, including online full-text scholarly journals and eBooks. Upon following a link to one of the Library's databases, an authentication window will open, requesting your name (exactly as it appears in your Library account) and social security number. Once you furnish that information, you will be redirected into the secure database. Note that not all subscription databases are authorized for remote access according to the terms of their individual license agreement. In those cases you will not be prompted for authentication, and will not have access. This service is only available to users of the USMA Library with a valid Library account.

*** In order to be properly authenticated, your computer must have cookies activated.

NOTE: the login is encrypted to keep your login information safe. However, some (not all) browsers may warn you that the security certificate does not match the site name. If this occurs, click continue. The information will still be encrypted. If you experience any problems please contact our reference staff at 845 938-8325 or contact the USMA Library Webmaster.

To connect to library resources from home:

  1. Use the Library homepage: login to http://www.library.usma.edu.
  2. Go directly to the Library Indexes and Databases page and select the desired database; you'll be prompted for your name and Social Security number for access.

Please contact a USMA Librarian at 845-938-8325 if you need additional assistance. Thank you.

USMA Library, 757 Thayer Road, West Point, NY 10996-1711 • 845-938-2230
To contact a member of our Reference Staff, please call 845-938-8325.
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