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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

DCL-99-119                              OCT 29, 1999


RE:    Multistate Financial Institution Data Match and Automated Enforcement of Interstate Cases Project Update

Dear Colleague:

This letter is intended to update you on the progress of the Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM) and Automated Enforcement of Interstate (AEI) cases.

A significant number of Multistate Financial Institutions (MSFIs) have elected to participate in the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) matching process. As of October 15, 1999, a total of 2,476 MSFIs have elected to exchange files with OCSE each quarter through 257 data transmitters.

OCSE began transmitting an extract of the Federal Offset File to MSFIs or their designated transmitter on July 15, 1999. Matches between obligors and MSFI account information began to flow to states via the Federal Case Registry (CONNECT:Direct) on August 30, 1999. As of October 27, 1999, we have transmitted 412,156 matched accounts from 81 MSFIs/Transmitters to 48 states and territories. The approximate total value of these matched accounts exceeds $600 million.

The value of this data in your pursuit of child support collections cannot be underestimated and we encourage you to initiate a systematic means of selecting accounts for freeze and seize actions as quickly as possible. We also suggest that you track MSFIDM related actions and collections using your own automated system or the program provided to your MSFIDM liaison in the letter signed by Donna Bonar dated October 4, 1999.

OCSE is working closely with MSFIs and their transmitters to perfect the data files, determine institutional levy addresses, and identify those institutions that will accept direct levies from all states.

In a number of instances, MSFIs will not honor freeze and seize actions from states where they do not maintain accounts. The pilot project for AEI is intended to result in a reasonable and cost-effective means of requesting action from another state on these MSFIDM identified accounts. Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Washington have agreed to test the draft AEI file layout and the workgroup processing recommendations. Their work will commence in November and extend through May, 2000. The pilot states and OCSE will issue a MSFIDM/AEI Report during June, 2000 which will include a recommended AEI file layout, statistics relating to processing AEI actions and contests, information on development and direct costs, and policy guidance.

We look forward to working with States in expanding MSFIDM/AEI after the pilot project report is completed. If you have any questions regarding the progress of the MSFIDM or the AEI pilot project, please contact Ann Barkley at (202) 260-4697.

Your support and cooperation are greatly appreciated as we work together to improve the lives of our nation’s children.


David Gray Ross
Office of Child Support Enforcement

cc:        State MSFIDM Liaisons
            Regional Program Managers
            ACF Regional Administrators

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