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DRP National Meetings

Medicaid Drug Rebate
Dispute Resolution Program (DRP)
Meeting Information


Currently, there are no National DRP Meetings scheduled.  Continue to check this website for updates.

CMS continues to have the CMS Regional Office (RO) and Central Office staffs available to assist States and manufacturers with dispute resolution issues.  If at any time, you wish to have CMS facilitate a face to face meeting or conference call, we will look into accommodating such a request.

States and manufacturers requesting dispute resolution assistance should contact the RO DRP Coordinator for the State involved, copy Diane Dunstan, Lead RO DRP Coordinator, and the DRP e-mail box at drp@cms.hhs.gov.

A list of the RO DRP Coordinators may be found at:


In addition, throughout the year, CMS has typically participated and encouraged dispute resolution efforts at industry sponsored forums/symposiums. Even though these dispute resolution meetings are not CMS sponsored, when CMS staff (Central Office and RO) are present, they will be available for facilitation assistance for those manufacturers and States that request their assistance in advance.



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Page Last Modified: 10/02/2008 1:29:43 PM
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