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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

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Displaying records 1 - 6 from the 6 total records in the database.

AT-03-06, Requests for Information from the Federal Parent Locator Service for Parental Kidnaping, Child Custody or Visitation Purposes     

This action transmittal addresses Federal policy for use of the FPLS for enforcing a Federal or state law with respect to the unlawful taking or restraint of a child or making or enforcing a child custody or visitation determination. It is intended to increase awareness about the authority to use the FPLS for these purposes and the procedures for obtaining FPLS location information to assist in these cases.

AT-03-05, Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint: Submission of State Plan Pages to Indicate Compliance with Federal Requirements on Medical Support, Including the Use of the National Medical Support Notice     

To indicate compliance with medical support requirements, states are to submit their State Plan pages 2.8 and 2.12-19 to the appropriate ACF Regional Office.

AT-03-04, Implementation of Revised Financial Reporting Forms: Form OCSE-396A and Form OCSE-34A.     

The introduction and distribution of revised quarterly expenditure and collection reports (Form) OCSE-396A, and Form OCSE-34A, respectively). These forms were approved by OMB for all IV-D expenditures and collections made on or after October 1, 2003.


This action transmittal establishes the requirement for states to submit copies of their latest security review findings to the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) for review and assessment of the states' compliance with regulations defined at 45 CFR Part 95 Subpart F. Section 621. States are required to forward the most recent security review within sixty days of the date of this action transmittal.

AT-03-02, Interim Final Rule with Comment Period – Federal Tax Refund Offset     

This interim final rule on the Federal Income Tax Refund Offset process is not imposing new requirements or burdens on Staters, abut is removing administrative requirement and burdens. It removes the 3 month delinquency requirement, which is difficult to compute. It recognizes that the amount to be offset may increase or decrease after the submittal of the case and that communications about cases are electronic, rather than by paper or magnetic tape. The rule incorporates several policies that are already in effect, so that case submission information appears in one place. These regulations were effective on June 26, 2003. Consideration will be given to comments received by August 25,2003.

AT-03-01, Technical Corrections Final Rule     

This final rule, published in the Federal Register on May 12, 2003, makes final technical corrections throughout the Child Support Enforcement regulations in 45 CFR chapter III. In particular, the regulation on review and adjustment of child support orders was redrafted as a result of comments received on the interim final rule. Upon review of the comments, it became clear that the changes made by the interim final regulation were not fully reflective of the statutory requirements in section 466(a)(10) of the Social Security Act.
