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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

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Displaying records 1 - 25 from the 43 total records in the database.

PIQ-07-04, Additional Information Regarding Enforcing Child Support when the Obligor is in Bankruptcy     

OCSE is responding to inquiries from States seeking clarification of OCSE responses in OCSE-AT-06-05 regarding automatic stay and passport restriction (subsequent to the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005/BAPCPA) when obligor is in bankruptcy and providing reminders to State agencies that Bankruptcy actions filed before October 17, 2005 (the effective date of most of BAPCPA provisions) are not subject to BAPCPAâ¿¿s provisions, IV-D agencies should consult with their attorneys and their local bankruptcy courts regarding local court interpretations and procedures, and IV-D agencies should inform their ACF OCSE Regional Program Manager regarding any changes in the addresses for notices of domestic support obligations.

PIQ-08-02, Closing cases under 45 CFR 303.11 (b) (5) when the non-custodial parent is receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, under Title XVI of the Social Security Act (the Act), and is unable to pay child support.     

Questions and responses regarding closing cases under 45 CFR 303.11(b) (5) when NCP is receiving SSI benefits

PIQ-07-02/PIQT-07-02, FFP for State Automated Systems Costs related to Service Agreements with Tribal IV-D Programs     

This PIQ / PIQT addresses FFP for state automated systems costs related to service agreements with Tribal IV-D program; submitting Tribal IV-D cases for Federal Tax refund offset and submitting requests to the FPLS in Tribal IV-D programs.

PIQ-07-03, IV-D agency disclosures of child support enforcement information to State IV-B and IV-E child welfare agencies and related matters     

An outcome of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcementâ¿¿s increased collaboration with the Childrenâ¿¿s Bureau of the Administration for Children and Families has been clarification of policies regarding disclosure of child support information.

PIQ-07-01, Use of Federal Income Tax Refund Offset Program to recoup medical expenses or birthing expenses owed to a State     

This PIQ indicates that judgments for medical expenses and birthing costs must be set using guidelines that take into consideration all earnings and the income of the noncustodial parent; be based on specific descriptive and numeric criteria and result in a computation of the support obligation. It also clarifies that a state may submit for federal income tax refund offset past-due medical support set in accordance with state guidelines.

PIQ-07-01, Use of Federal Income Tax Refund Offset Program to recoup medical expenses or birthing expenses owed to a State     


PIQ-06-02, Guidance for Sending the National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) to the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC)     

Guidance for sending the National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) to Defense Manpower Data Center

PIQ-06-01, Payments Related to Disaster Relief Activities or Efforts     

Last yearâ¿¿s active hurricane season has generated some questions about what disaster related payments may be offset and/or withheld for purposes of child support enforcement. As discussed below, while Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster relief payments are not available for offset, we have identified two types of payments that may be available for withholding/garnishment. These payments include disaster unemployment assistance in accordance with 45 CFR 302.65 and hazardous duty payments in accordance with 5 CFR 581.103.

PIQ-05-06, Non-recurring, short term cash benefit TANF cases and closing such cases that were erroneously opened.     

The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) has received inquiries from State IV-D agencies asking for guidance on non-recurring, short term cash benefit Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cases. IV-D agencies have also asked what to do if the TANF agency refers such cases to the IV-D agency in error.

PIQ-05-05, Sending the National Medical Support Notice (NMSN) to the Defense Management Data Center (DMDC).     

PIQ-02-03, issued December 20, 2002, states that â¿¿if the employer does not provide health care coverage for employee dependents, there would be no need for the IV-D agency to send the NMSN for those employees. However, the IV-D agency should make appropriate notation in the individual case record of the unavailability of health care coverage through that employer.â¿¿

PIQ-05-03, Federal Funding Participation (FFP) for Costs of Personnel Carrying Out Expedited Administrative Processes in the Executive Branch under Section 466(a)(2) of the Social Security Act (the Act).     

The attached PIQ-05-03 responds to the question, "Is FFP available for the costs of personnel used in performing expedited administrative procedures?"

PIQ-05-02, Case Initiation of Previously-Closed IV-D Cases     

The Office of Child Support Enforcement received an inquiry from a state asking for policy guidance regarding appropriate procedures for working case referrals on previously closed IV-D cases.

PIQ-05-01, Reduction of the Unreimbursed Assistance Balance (URA) when Permanently-Assigned Arrearages are Compromised.     

In PIQ-00-03, issued September 14, 2000, we provided guidance on compromising arrearages permanently assigned to the state as a condition of receipt of public assistance as a tool to encourage the regular payment of current support by low-income obligors.

PIQ-04-02, Electronic Disbursement of Child Support Payments     

The Office of Child Support Enforcement has received several inquiries for policy guidance and approval to disburse child support payments electronically.

PIQ-2004-03, Guidance Regarding Medical Support Enforcement under the IV-D Program and Privacy Protections under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act     

Child support enforcement (IV-D) agencies are permitted to request and to receive protected health information from covered entities under the privacy protection provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

PIQ-04-01, Processing Cases with Foreign Reciprocating Countries     

Processing cases with Foreign Reciprocating Countries

PIQ-03-10, Electronic Payment Withdrawal as an Alternative to Income Withholding     

This PIQ addresses questions raised by the passage of legislation in South Dakota authorizing the IV-D program to withhold child support payments directly from a noncustodial parent’s bank account, rather than having the employer withhold the payment.

PIQ-03-08, Medical Support in Child Support Orders - Definition of Reasonable Cost     

This pertains to reasonable cost in medical support orders.

PIQ-03-09, Case Closure of Child-Only Medicaid Cases     

The Office of Child Support Enforcement has received inquiries asking for policy guidance regarding appropriate case closure criteria for child-only Medicaid cases when the custodial parent requests closure of the IV-D case or when the custodial parent refuses to cooperate.

PIQ-03-07, Hold Period for Joint, Non-IV-A Tax Refund Offsets     

This pertains to the hold period for joint, non-IV-A federal tax refund offsets.

PIQ-03-06, Noncustodial Parents in the Witness Protection Program     

This is regarding NCP in the Witness Protection Program

PIQ-03-05, Guidance on Private Collection Agencies - Agent of a Child and Third Party Address for Correspondence     

This pertains to issues on providing FPLS information to private collection agencies (PCAs) and mailing of notices to (PCAs).

PIQ-03-01, Paternity Disestablishment     

This PIQ responds to inquiries for federal guidance on paternity disestablishment.

PIQ-03-04, Foreign Currency Child Support Payments     

The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) has received several inquiries from states and foreign reciprocating countries asking for policy guidance regarding the processing of support payments to and from foreign reciprocating countries. In this PIQ, we clarify that a state child support agency must accept payment on behalf of U.S. children and custodial parents, even if those payments are received in a foreign currency denomination.

PIQ-03-02, Recoupment of a Child Support Overpayment     

On August 5, 2002, OCSE issued PIQ-02-001 to respond to state inquiries regarding options available for states to recoup child support overpayments. In response to PIQ-02-001, OCSE has received additional inquiries regarding client permission and a vendor’s role in recoupment.

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