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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

NECSRS Home > States > South Dakota
(CSE Homepage:

Displaying 45 records.

Case Closure
  Child Support Offices :: Child Support
Contact information for local offices

Centralized Collections/Disbursement
  Direct Deposit Enrollment
Direct Deposit is the electronic deposit of your cash payments into your bank account. If you wish to participate, please complete and submit this form.

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Information on where support payments are sent

  Support Orders :: Child Support
About recieving child support payments

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Information about Electronic Payment

Customer Service
  Change of Address or Employment
If you are a custodial or non-custodial parent involved in a South Dakota child support enforcement case or are ordered to pay payments through the Child Support Payment Center, you may submit a change of address and/or change of employment by completing the following form.

  Child Support :: SD Dept. of Social Services
South Dakota's Department of Social Serivces, Child Support

  Child Support Resources :: SD Dept. of Social Services
South Dakota commission on Child Support report

  Child Support Resources :: SD Dept. of Social Services
Resources for Child Support

  Services :: Child Support
About Child Support

  Services :: Child Support
Definitions of terms used in Child Support

  Services :: Child Support
Frequenly asked questions about Child Support Services

Electronic Funds Transfer [EFT]
  Direct Deposit Enrollment
Direct Deposit is the electronic deposit of your cash payments into your bank account. If you wish to participate, please complete and submit this form.

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Information about Electronic Payment

Employer New Hire Reporting
  Employer :: Child Support
Information for employers reguarding New Hire Reporting

  Employer :: Child Support
Information for employers

  Employer :: Child Support
Information for employers reguarding Income Withholding

  South Dakota Visitation Guidelines
The guidelines are a detailed visitation agreement made by the parents to fit their particular needs and, more importantly, the needs of the children. If the parents are unable to agree, however, the following guidelines will be used, unless a different schedule is court ordered

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Disclaimer to the Child Support obligation calculator

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Information on modifying a support order

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Information about enforcing Child Support

  Support Orders :: Child Support
What happens when a custodial or non-custodial parent is unemployed

Establishment of Cases
 Intake (Applying for Services)
  Applying For Child Support
Information about apploying for child support

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Information on obtaining a support order

Establishment of Orders
  Change of Address and/or Employer :: Child Support
Form for change of address or an employer

  Child Support Obligation Schedule
Child Support obligation chart

  Custodial Parent :: Child Support
About the Automated Voice Response System

  Custodial Parent :: Child Support
Information for the Custodial Parent

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Information on how child support obligations are determined

  Support Orders :: Child Support
Information on who establishes Child Support

FPLS Access
  CSENet 2000 State Contact Information
The states with whom South Dakota is currently exchanging interstate information via CSENet.

  Support Orders :: Child Support
About enforcing Child Support when one parent does not live in the same state

  Contact Listing
South Dakota Clerk of Courts Offices

  CSENet 2000 State Contact Information
The states with whom South Dakota is currently exchanging interstate information via CSENet.

Medical Support
  Employer :: Child Support
Information for employers reguarding the National Medical Support Notice

  Support Orders :: Child Support
About Medical Support enforcement

National/State Directories of New Hire
  Federal Law
New Hire reporting is required by the Federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Pub.L. 104-327). If you wish to read more about this federal law, please refer to the Compilation of Social Security Laws, Title IV Grants to States for Aid and Services to Needy Families with Children and for Child-Welfare Services, Part D--Child Support and Establishment of Paternity.

  Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked employer questions about new hire reporting

  Multistate Reporting
If you are an employer who has employees in two or more States Federal law allows you to comply with the new hire reporting requirement by exercising one of the options located here.(42 USC 653A(b)(1)(B)).

  Other Related Sites
Links to sites related to the New Hire Reporting program

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 and South Dakota Codified Law 25-7A-3.3 established the New Hire Reporting Center (NHRC) and require employers to report certain information on their newly hired employees.

  SD New Hire Reporting Center
Welcome to the South Dakota New Hire Reporting Center Home Page

  Submitting New Hires
There are several ways to report new employees to the New Hire Reporting Center (NHRC), including internet, fax, phone, mail, diskette and cartridge. .

New Hire
  Employer :: Child Support
Information for employers reguarding New Hire Reporting

  Federal Law
New Hire reporting is required by the Federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Pub.L. 104-327). If you wish to read more about this federal law, please refer to the Compilation of Social Security Laws, Title IV Grants to States for Aid and Services to Needy Families with Children and for Child-Welfare Services, Part D--Child Support and Establishment of Paternity.

  Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked employer questions about new hire reporting

  Multistate Reporting
If you are an employer who has employees in two or more States Federal law allows you to comply with the new hire reporting requirement by exercising one of the options located here.(42 USC 653A(b)(1)(B)).

  Other Related Sites
Links to sites related to the New Hire Reporting program

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 and South Dakota Codified Law 25-7A-3.3 established the New Hire Reporting Center (NHRC) and require employers to report certain information on their newly hired employees.

  SD New Hire Reporting Center
Welcome to the South Dakota New Hire Reporting Center Home Page

  Submitting New Hires
There are several ways to report new employees to the New Hire Reporting Center (NHRC), including internet, fax, phone, mail, diskette and cartridge. .

  Employer :: Child Support
Information for employers reguarding Income Withholding

  Noncustodial Parent :: Child Support
Information for the non-custodial parent

  Noncustodial Parent :: Child Support
Information on license withholding for the non-custodial parent

  Noncustodial Parent :: Child Support
Appealing a division of Child Support decision for non-custodial parents

  Services :: Child Support
Information on establishing paternity

Public Information/Outreach
  Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement
Welcome to the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement Home Page