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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

NECSRS Home > States > Kansas
(CSE Homepage:

Displaying 18 records.

Centralized Collections/Disbursement
  Child support payments
To submit child support withholdings and trace submitted payments

  The State of Kansas New Payment Processing System
The Kansas Payment Center (KPC), located in Topeka, Kansas, is the payment processing center for all Kansas child support, maintenance and other support related payments.

  Complying with Income Withholding Orders
General information on compliance of Income Withholding Orders.

  Cost recovery
The amount of cost recovery fee(s) employers may charge for income withholding.

Information and guidance for employers on complying with wage garnishments.

  Income Withholding Information for Employers
This page contains essential information pertaining to the compliance with income withholding orders issued for Kansas child support cases. There are several questions, answers as well as links to statutes that should help the employer have a better understanding of Income Withholding Orders, how to comply, get answers to their child support issues and Kansas Income Withholding Statutes.

  Income Withholding Information for Employers-General
Commonly asked questions and answers regarding income withholdings.

  Income withholding on compensation
Income withholding on compensation other than regular pay and for employed obligors who are paid by outside agencies or sources

  Medical IWO's
Employer's answers to "What do I do with a Medical income withholding order."

  Questions about child support cases
Employee/obligors who have questions about their child support cases

  Withholding involving one IWO or more than one IWO
How to determine the amount of child support to withhold when an employee/obligor has one IWO or more than one IWO.

FPLS Access
  CSENet 2000 State Contact Information
The states with whom Kansas is currently exchanging interstate information via CSENet.

  CSENet 2000 State Contact Information
The states with whom Kansas is currently exchanging interstate information via CSENet.

  Handbook On Child Support Enforcement
Details and guidelines about Child Support Enforcement Services.

  Manual sobre el cumplimimiento de la manutencion de ninos
Introduccion - Como se incian los servicos de manutencion de ninos

National/State Directories of New Hire
  Kansas New Hire Directory Login page
Online format for Kansas New Hire Directory.

  Kansas New Hire Directory Reporting
A variety of ways to comply with the new statute, Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-93)and employer requirements. Among its major components is child support enforcement enhancement that includes a new hire database.

New Hire
  Kansas New Hire Directory Login page
Online format for Kansas New Hire Directory.

  Kansas New Hire Directory Reporting
A variety of ways to comply with the new statute, Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-93)and employer requirements. Among its major components is child support enforcement enhancement that includes a new hire database.

  Expedited Paternity
In some instances, an alleged father may reside in the TAF household. To be legally viewed as the father in this situation, paternity must be established if it has not previously been.

Public Information/Outreach
  Home Page for Kansas
Kansas Child Support Enforcement Home Page