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The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

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AT Topics : Systems
(By Year)

Displaying records 1 - 25 from the 33 total records in the database.

AT-08-03, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for State Systems Advance Planning Document (APD) Process     

The Advance Planning Document (APD) process governs the procedure by which States obtain approval for Federal financial participation in the cost of acquiring automated data processing equipment and services. This NPRM reduces the submission requirements for lower-risk information technology (IT) projects and procurements and increases oversight over higher-risk IT projects and procurements by making technical changes, conforming changes and substantive revisions in the documentation required to be submitted by States, counties, and territories for approval of their Information Technology plans and acquisition documents.

AT-06-03, Policy Clarifications Relating to Planning, Design, Development, Installation, and Operation of Automated Systems in the Title IV-D Child Support Enforcement Program     

This Action Transmittal (AT) sets forth Federal policy in the most frequently questioned areas of automated system projects and clarifies areas where States have frequently encountered problems and difficulties in interpreting Federal regulations relating to those projects


This action transmittal establishes the requirement for states to submit copies of their latest security review findings to the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) for review and assessment of the states' compliance with regulations defined at 45 CFR Part 95 Subpart F. Section 621. States are required to forward the most recent security review within sixty days of the date of this action transmittal.

AT-01-08, Reduction in FFP Rates for the CSE Program under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act     

This refers to the reduction of federal financial participation (FFP) rates from 80 percent to 66 percent for the Child Support Enforcement System (CSES).

AT-00-07, Update to the Automated Systems for Child Support Enforcement: A Guide for States - Revised April 1999     

This transmits the updates to Automated Systems for Child Support Enforcement: A Guide For States [The Guide]

AT-98-23, Alternative System Configuration     

Alternative System Configuration - To implement provisions of the Child Support Performance and Incentive Act of 1998, P.L. 105-200, related to child support enforcement program automation.

AT-00-04, Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint     

This is the revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint; Submission of State Plan Page to Indicate Compliance with Federal Require on Statewide Automated Data Processing and Information Retrieval System.

AT-99-16, Update to the Automated Systems for Child Support Enforcement: A Guide for States - Rev. April 1999     

This transmits the updates to AUTOMATED SYSTEMS FOR CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT: A GUIDE FOR STATES [the Guide], revised February 1999. This document, required by 45 CFR 307.25[b], defines the requirements that States must meet to satisfy provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 [PRWORA], related to child support enforcement program automation.

AT-99-08, Reduction of the Alternative Penalty for States That Fail to Meet PRWORA Statewide Automated Deadlines     

To inform States of the availability of a reduction to the alternative system penalty as provided through the amedment of Section 455(a)(4)(c)of the Social Security Act by Section 4(a)(1)of Pub.L.105-306.

AT-99-06, Automated Systems for Child Support Enforcment: A Guide For States--Revised April 1999     

This transmits the Automated Systems for Child Support Enforcement: A Guide For States. This document defines the requirements that States must meet to satisfy provisions of PRWORA related to child support enforcement program automation.

AT-99-03, Distribution of the Addendum to the State Systems APD Guide for Child Support Enforcement Systems     

This transmittal refers to the State Systems APD Guide whose purpose is to help States prepare Advance Planning Documents (APDs) and other related procurement documents for information systems supporting the operation of ACF programs.

AT-98-26, Standards for Program Operations     

The attached final regulation implements provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), related to child support enforcement program automation.

AT-98-22, Alternative Penalty for States Which Fail to Implement Statewide Automated Systems by the Deadlines Stipulated...     

Concerns the alternative financial penalties which may be elected by States which fail to implement by the applicable deadlines statewide automated child support enforcement systems meeting the requirements of sections 454(16) and 454A of the Social Security Act.

AT-98-15, Financial Distribution Test Deck Generator for Child Support Distributions     

The test deck generator prints a defined set of processing scenarios and tailored results intended to illustrate key features of federal processing requirements.

AT-98-13, Request for Comments on the Proposed Functional Requirements for Automation Requirements     

Provides the proposed functional requirements for the automated child support enforcement system for review and comment by the States.

AT-98-11, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking     

This pertains to provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), P.L. 104- 193, related to child support enforcement program automation.

AT-98-09, Proposed Rule - Federal Regulation Concerning Automated Data Processing Funding Limitation for CSE Systems     


AT-97-08, Reduction in FFP Rates for the Child Support Enforcement Programs     

The purpose of this Action Transmittal is to inform States of the elimination of the 90 percent FFP rate on September 30, 1997 and the process for requesting a deviation from the standard treatment of expenditures to preserve a claim to Federal funding at the 90 percent FFP rate for contractual "holdback" payments.

AT-96-10, Availability of FFP at an Enhanced Rate Under the Provisions of PRWORA     

The purpose of this Action Transmittal (AT) is to inform States of the availability and limitations of receiving Federal funding at the 90 percent and 80 percent Federal financial participation (FFP) rates for costs incurred in developing and implementing an automated child support enforcement system (CSES).

AT-96-09, Final Rule - Revisions for the President`s Reform Initiative; extension of the certified Statewide systems deadline     

This final rule revises or removes regulations, in part or whole, in response to the President`s Memorandum of March 4, 1995 to heads of Departments and Agencies which announced a government-wide Regulatory Reinvention Initiative to reduce or eliminate burdens on States, other governmental agencies or the private sector. This rule also implements Public Law 104-35 which extends the date from October 1, 1995 to October 1, 1997 by which States will have in effect, and approved by the Secretary, an operational automated data processing and information retrieval system meeting all requirements of Federal law enacted on or before the date of enactment of the Family Support Act of 1988.

AT-96-08, Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint     

Revision to the Title IV-D State Plan Preprint; Submission of State Plan Page to Indicate Compliance with Federal Requirements on Computerized Support Enforcement Systems.

AT-96-04, APD Requirements for Automated Child Support Enforcement Systems     

The purpose of this Action Transmittal (AT) is to provide guidance and information as it relates to the extention of the deadline for State`s having an operational, statewide automated Child Support Enforcement system.

AT-96-02, Procedures for Making Available to Consumer Reporting and Other Programing Infomation     

Proposed Rule - Amendments to Federal regulations governing procedures for making information available to Consumer Reporting Agencies; extension of the deadline for certified Statewide systems; and revisions for the President`s Reform Initiative.

AT-90-11, Policy Clarification Relating to Automated Child Support Enforcement Systems (CSES)     

This AT sets forth Federal policy in the mostfrequently misunderstood areas of automated system projects and clarifies areas where States have frequently encountered problems and difficulties in interpreting Federal regulations relating to those projects. This guidance will become part of the OCSE guideline document for automated systems.

AT-90-10, Guidance on Advance Planning Document Requirements for the Automated CSE System Provision of the FSA of 1988.     

The purpose of this Action Transmittal (AT) is to provide interim guidance on the APD requirements for State Child Support Enforcement (IV-D) Agencies to enable them to meet the State plan requirements of section 454(24) to establish computerized support enforcement systems. The AT also addresses procedures for requesting a waiver for an alternative system. This AT will be superseded upon publication of applicable final Federal regulations.

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