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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children

National Electronic Child Support Resource System

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AT Topics : Enforcement
(By Year)

Displaying records 1 - 25 from the 52 total records in the database.

AT-07-07, Income Withholding for Support (Revised Form)     

This Action Transmittal transmits to States the 2007 version of the income withholding form. Included are: 1) a blank version; 2) a version containing markers corresponding to instructions; 3) the instructions; and Additional Information.

AT-06-05, Policy Questions and Responses to Miscellaneous Issues regarding Child Support Provisions of the New Federal Bankruptcy Law, P.L. 109-8     

The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) has received numerous inquiries regarding provisions of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-8, April 20, 2005). This AT contains questions and answers which inform States and other interested individuals and organizations of OCSE¿s policy responses regarding provisions which will be helpful to States and families seeking to establish paternity and support orders and to enforce child support obligations.

AT-05-04, Distribution of Federally Approved Interstate Child Support Enforcement Forms: Administrative Subpoena and Notice of Lien     

The last revised forms were published in 2001 and DCL-04-07, dated February 26, 2004, provided information as to how the CSE community could provide comments to the Office of Management and Budget regarding newly proposed revisions. OCSE received a few suggestions for clarifying language that were incorporated in the forms. These revised forms are effective January 31, 2005.

AT-04-08, Final Rule-Federal Tax Refund Offset     

Final Rule revises the existing regulations on collecting child support arrears through the Federal Tax Refund Offset process.

AT-04-05, Revised Federal Order/Notice to Withhold Income for Child Support and Notice of an Order to Withhold Income for Child Support.     

The revised Federal standardized income withholding form, as required by Section 324 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193). The files include the standardized forms titled, “Order/Notice to Withhold Income for Child Support “ and “Notice of an Order to Withhold Income for Child Support” (Order/Notice); the instructions for completing the forms, and a sample numbered copy of the Order/Notice to use as a guide with the instructions.

AT-03-02, Interim Final Rule with Comment Period – Federal Tax Refund Offset     

This interim final rule on the Federal Income Tax Refund Offset process is not imposing new requirements or burdens on Staters, abut is removing administrative requirement and burdens. It removes the 3 month delinquency requirement, which is difficult to compute. It recognizes that the amount to be offset may increase or decrease after the submittal of the case and that communications about cases are electronic, rather than by paper or magnetic tape. The rule incorporates several policies that are already in effect, so that case submission information appears in one place. These regulations were effective on June 26, 2003. Consideration will be given to comments received by August 25,2003.

AT-02-01, Technical Corrections to Federally Approved Child Support Enforcement Notice of Lien Form     

This Notice of Lien form and instructions corrects and replaces the Notice of Lien form and instructions disseminated in OCSE-AT-01-06. The changes are not substantive; they correct discrepancies in wording between the form and instructions to the form.

AT-01-11, Clarification of "Time Deposit Accounts" as Related to Financial Institution Data Matches     

This AT corrects the definition of 'borrowings' originally issued in OCSE-AT-98-07. For the purposes of Financial Institution Data Match (FIDM) personal loans are not included in the definition of borrowings, and, therefore, are not subject to FIDM.

AT-01-11, Clarification of "Time Deposit Accounts" as Related to Financial Institution Data Matches     

This AT corrects the definition of 'borrowings' originally issued in OCSE-AT-98-07. For the purposes of Financial Institution Data Match (FIDM) personal loans are not included in the definition of borrowings, and, therefore, are not subject to FIDM.

AT-01-06, Distribution of Federally Approved Interstate C.S.E. Forms: Administrative Subpoena and Notice of Lien     

Section 454(9)(E) of the Social Security Act requires OCSE to promulgate administrative subpoena and notice of lien forms for use in interstate child support enforcement cases.

AT-99-14, Collection of Delinquent Child Support Obligations by the U.S. Dept. of Treasury's Financial Management Service (FMS)     

This document pertains to collection of delinquent child support obligations by the U.S. Department of Treasury through offsetting Federal income tax refunds and other Federal payments. It also includes denial of passports by the Secretary of State.

AT-99-13, Notice of Proposed Rule Making on the National Medical Support Notice     

A notice of proposed rule making which sets forth the provisions that require State child support enforcement agencies, under title IV-D of the Social Security Act, to enforce the health care coverage provision in a child support order and to use the National Medical Support Notice to aid enforcement.

AT-98-29, Policy Questions and Answers regarding the Multistate Provisions of the Financial Institution Data Match...     

Encloses statutory provisions pertaining to financial institution data match and answers to questions regarding multistate provisions of the financial institution data match.

AT-98-19, Revised Payment Procedures for the States to Reimburse OCSE for Services Provided     

This action informs States of the revised procedures to be followed for reimbursing the OCSE for services rendered to the State to assist them in the recovery of child support from noncustodial parents.

AT-98-17, Collection of Child Support by the U.S. Department of Treasury`s Financial Management Service (FMS)     

Relates to the collection of child support by the Treasury Department`s Financial Management Service (FMS) through offsetting Federal income tax refunds and other Federal payments through administrative offset.

AT-98-07, Policy Questions and Answers Regarding the Financial Institution Data Match Requirements under PRWORA 1996     

The primary purpose of this Action Transmittal (AT) is to inform States and other interested individuals and organizations of OCSE`s policy response to inquiries regarding financial institution data matches.

AT-98-05, Automated Administrative Enforcement in Interstate Cases     

The primary purpose of this Action Transmittal (AT) is to inform States and other interested individuals and organizations of OCSE`s policy response to inquiries regarding high-volume, automated administrative enforcement in interstate cases.

AT-98-03, Distribution of Federally Approved Standardized Income Withholding Form     

The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) was drafted in 1992 by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and approved by the American Bar Association (ABA) in 1993. The Act enables States to use direct income withholding as an immediate remedy in interstate child support cases.

AT-97-19, Distribution of Federally Approved Interstate CSE Forms: Administrative Subpoena and Notice of Lien     

As a result of OMB`s final approval, the current versions of these two forms supersede the previous versions that were distributed to the States on March 6, 1997 (OCSE-AT-97-03).

AT-96-05, Collection of Child Support by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Through Offsetting Federal Income Tax Refunds     

This Action Transmittal applies to those cases in which the State has an assignment of support rights under section 402(a)(26) or 471(a)(17) of the Social Security Act, or cases in which the State is enforcing the support obligation pursuant to section 454(6) of the Social Security Act, or the State has an assignment of medical support rights under section 1912(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act.

AT-96-05, Table of Content for Tax Refund Offset Program (Part 1 - Part 4)     

Provides information on the collection of child support by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) through offsetting Federal income tax

AT-96-05, Tax Refund Offset Program     

Collection of Child Support by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) through offsetting Federal income tax refunds. This Action Transmittal applies to those cases in which the State has an assignment of support rights under section 402(a)(26) or 471(a)(17) of the Social Security Act, or cases in which the State is enforcing the support obligation pursuant to section 454(6) of the Social Security Act, or the State has an assignment of medical support rights under section 1912(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act. ss

AT-96-05, Collection of Child Support by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) through Offsetting Federal Income Tax Refunds     

This is Exhibit I, Page 2 of 2 - This pertains to record specifications for updating records.

AT-96-05, Collection of Child Support by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) through Offsetting Federal Income Tax Refunds     

This is the exhibit directory and list the exhibits from A - Z as well as those exhibits AA - DD.

AT-96-01, Pre-offset notices, Tax Refund Offset Unit     

Charge-backs for the Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) for the printing and processing of OCSE issued pre-offset notices

... Next 25 Records