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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children



Goal: To increase the participation and information levels of the Child Support Enforcement Automated System (CSEAS) users.

Description: Beginning in October 2002, the User Analyst team began holding periodic forums broadcast via video conferencing to all interested users of the CSEAS system, and partner agency staff that wish to participate. The purpose was to create an open line of communication between the end users and the system's staff to give additional information, clarify confusing activities and to give detailed explanations of any recent enhancements and changes to the CSEAS system.

An agenda is released of all topics the User Analysts have determined to be consistent issues for the end users, with questions taken from each remote location following each agenda item. In addition to the agenda, there is a roundtable section in which issues can be raised for clarification and/or investigation by the User Analysts.

Utilizing video conferencing equipment, the User Analysts are able to display CSEAS on the monitors at each remote location, and walk through the steps necessary to get specific desired results, to explain how enhancements work and to answer questions.

Results: From June 2002 through October 2002 the User Analyst Team received an average of 150 contacts per month from end users of the CSEAS system that are seeking additional information on how to utilize the system properly. Following the introduction of the User Analyst Forums, the contact count has been reduced to an average of 100 per month which has resulted in the end users of the CSEAS system using the system with less technical assistance. In addition to reducing the number of contacts, the time spent went from an average of 19 minutes to an average of 12 minutes each. This has enabled User Analyst Team members devote more time to ongoing automation activities and projects.

Location: The User Analyst Forums are hosted from one of two locations in Salem, Oregon. Through video conferencing, all locations within the Division of Child Support are able to attend. The District Attorneys offices in the State of Oregon's Child Support Program are invited to attend at the nearest Division of Child Support Office.

Funding: Regular IV-D funding was used.

Replication Advice: To make the forums meaningful to end users, ensure that the technical staff uses non-technical language to describe the actions of the system. It is important that the end-users of the system feel involved as a part of the development process. Valuing input from them, and conveying that during forums let's them feel a connection to the automation rather than a sense that it is "us versus them." For our user analysts, we also look at this as an ongoing opportunity to help our users to get the most out of our system by making sure that we educate them on all of the hidden tricks and often missed shortcuts.


Darrin M. Jones
Phone: 503-373-7455 x22280

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