U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children & Families
Office of Child Support Enforcement

Management Development Training for IV-D Directors & Executive Staff


Management Development Training (All Modules) (19M zipped file)

The training material can also be downloaded by module.

Intro & Eval (24.7K bytes zipped file)
A-ACKNOWL.DOC (20992 bytes)
B-INTRO.doc (19456 bytes)
C-EVALFORMS.doc (39424 bytes)
D-TABLE OF CONTENTS.doc (24576 bytes)
E-SUMMARY OUTCOMES.doc (33280 bytes)
Module 1 (3.3M bytes zipped file)
A-ORIENTATION.doc (122368 bytes)
B-OVERVIEW.ppt (3438080 bytes)
C-WARM-UP.doc (19968 bytes)
D-SELF-TEST.doc (21504 bytes)
E-ANSWERS.doc (22016 bytes)
Module 2 (3.9M bytes zipped file)
A-COLLABORATION.doc (142336 bytes)
C-PARTNERS.ppt (676352 bytes)
D-BIGPICTURE.ppt (115712 bytes)
E-MOREPARTNERS.ppt (3190272 bytes)
F-WARM-UP.doc (19968 bytes)
G-ISSUES.doc (19456 bytes)
H-BIGPICTURE-HANDOUT.ppt (115712 bytes)
I-PARTNERS.doc (24064 bytes)
J-ANSWERS.doc (28160 bytes)
K-OTHERPARTNERS.doc (24576 bytes)
Module 3 (3.1M bytes zipped file)
A-SYSTEMS.doc (98304 bytes)
B-WARM-UP.doc (20480 bytes)
C-42USCODE.doc (14926336 bytes)
C-LINK CURRENT 42 USC.doc (23552 bytes)
DATAWAREHOUSING.ppt (41984 bytes)
Module 4 (1.5M bytes zipped file)
A-STRATEGIC PLANNING.doc (87552 bytes)
C-DEVELOPING PLAN.ppt (1459712 bytes)
D-WARM-UP.doc (19968 bytes)
E-EXPERIENCE.doc (20480 bytes)
F-HURDLES.doc (29184 bytes)
G-OCSE PLAN.doc (44032 bytes)
H-DISCUSSION OCSE PLAN.doc (19968 bytes)
I-PRIVATIZATION.doc (20992 bytes)
J-12 ELEMENTS OF AN RFP.doc (22528 bytes)
K-MISSION STATEMENT.doc (24064 bytes)
L-QUESTIONNAIRE.doc (23040 bytes)
M-SIT WHEEL.doc (97280 bytes)
N-SIT WHEEL2.doc (29696 bytes)
O-PLANNING WORKSHEET.doc (26624 bytes)
P-A WORKING SP (TRAINER).doc (84480 bytes)
Q-A WORKING SP (PARTICIPANT).doc (49664 bytes)
Module 5 (7.4M bytes zipped file)
A-FINANCIAL & BUDGET.doc (176128 bytes)
B-FINANCIAL OVERVIEW.ppt (6714368 bytes)
C-INCENTIVES.ppt (310272 bytes)
D-PENALTIES.ppt (90624 bytes)
E-PENALTIES2.ppt (123392 bytes)
F-WARM-UP.doc (20480 bytes)
G-INCENTIVES HANDOUT.ppt (206336 bytes)
H-PENALTIES.doc (281088 bytes)
I-CASE REVIEW.doc (74240 bytes)
J-INCENTIVE MEASURE FORM.doc (23552 bytes)
K-FORMa 396.xls (53248 bytes)
L-FORMb 396.xls (52736 bytes)
M-FORMc 396.xls (66048 bytes)
N-INSTR 396.doc (67584 bytes)
O-FORM 34A.xls (82432 bytes)
P-INSTR 34A.doc (46592 bytes)
Q-AT-9820.doc (75776 bytes)
R-AT-9820a.doc (56320 bytes)
S-DCL-9865.doc (28160 bytes)
T-ACTION PLAN WORKSHEET.doc (20992 bytes)
Module 6 (163K bytes zipped file)
A-PRIVATIZATION.doc (153600 bytes)
B-PRIVATIZATION.ppt (139776 bytes)
C-WARM-UP.doc (19968 bytes)
D-PRIVAT MATRIX.doc (35840 bytes)
E-PRIM PERF MEAS.doc (35840 bytes)
F-PERF MEAS.doc (42496 bytes)
G-TWELVE ELEMENTS.doc (37376 bytes)
Participant Guide (172K bytes zipped file)
A-TABLE OF CONTENTS (PART).doc (24064 bytes)
B-ORIENTATION.doc (114176 bytes)
C-COLLABORATION.doc (123392 bytes)
D-SYSTEMS.doc (72192 bytes)
E-STRATEGIC PLANNING.doc (77824 bytes)
F-FINANCIAL & BUDGET.doc (171520 bytes)
G-PRIVATIZATION.doc (142848 bytes)