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The Office of Child Support EnforcementGiving Hope and Support to America's Children

ACF/Office of Child Support Enforcement

Paternity Establishment
MAR 31, 1995


Dear Colleague:

We all know well that paternity establishment is a critical step
in our joint efforts to improve the lives of children.  Far too
many children are denied support because legal paternity has not
been established.  In fact, more than one million births to unwed
mothers occur each year.  Paternity is only established for
approximately 40% of these children.  

For children born to unwed mothers, paternity establishment is
the crucial first step in obtaining child support.  Without
paternity, a support order cannot be legally established. 
Furthermore, paternity establishment offers the opportunity for a
child to develop an emotional connection with both parents. 
The President has made clear his belief that both parents share
equal responsibility to provide security and support for the
children they bring into this world.  This Administration's goal
is to foster family responsibility and to reduce the cost of
welfare.  In 1992, 53% of all children on welfare were born out
of wedlock.  Therefore we must continue our efforts to streamline
the process to identify the father in every out of wedlock birth.

You are aware that the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993
(OBRA '93) and P.L. 103-432, the Social Security Amendments of
1994, modified provisions under the Paternity Establishment
Percentage (PEP) formula previously used.  Our March 15 Action
Transmittal, OCSE-AT-95-04, gave a detailed explanation of the
revised standard regarding the method of measuring States' PEP.  
Finally, the issue of paternity establishment is a focus of
significant attention in the major child support enforcement
proposals now before the Congress.  I would like to thank you for
your continued cooperation and your ongoing efforts on behalf of


                              David Gray Ross
                              Deputy Director
                              Office of Child Support 

cc: ACF Regional Administrators
    OCSE Program Managers         

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