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Eye Level's First Anniversary!
November 29, 2006

Images from our first year's posts

On this date last year we launched Eye Level. Just for fun, here is a visual index of all our posts -- 121 if you're keeping score. (Some date back a little farther than a year: when we launched we already had some stories in the can.)

Thanks for visiting us and helping us along the way!

Posted by Mike on November 29, 2006 in Museums & Technology


Yay! Congrats on a full year of teh awesome. And I look forward to your post on the upcoming canopy at SAAM.

Posted by: brownpau | Nov 29, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Posted by: lotusgreen | Dec 1, 2006

I would like to see how the Jewelry is displayed in drawers and, if possible, specific pieces, including my own.

Posted by: Frances Pickens | Dec 18, 2006

I see that there are two pieces by Frances Pickens on display in our Luce Foundation Center for American Art. Definitely browse the Luce Center Web site at http://americanart.si.edu/luce . Most of the jewelry and other small/delicate objects are in special drawers that open and close via pneumatic pistons to cushion the objects. We'll put up some photos...

Posted by: Mike | Dec 21, 2006

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