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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
The Office of Child Support Enforcement Giving Hope and Support to America's Children


DATE: January 30, 2002

RE: Multistate Financial Institution Data Match (MSFIDM) Data Match Specifications Change

Dear Multistate Financial Institution Data Match Participant:

This letter is directed to all multistate financial institutions (MSFIs) and/or transmitters for MSFIs that participate in the Multistate Financial Institution data match (MSFIDM). The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) and MSFIs have been exchanging data since August 1999. This process allows OCSE to match delinquent child support obligor’s social security numbers against MSFI account records. OCSE passes the matched data to states and territories. States use the matched data to freeze and seize financial assets belonging to delinquent obligors who owe past due child support.

In February 2001 OCSE hosted a workshop for states and financial institutions to affirm what is working well and what components need improvement in the multistate data exchange. One issue identified in the workshop was that the Data Match Specifications do not clearly describe how to indicate that a matched account has been closed. States could use this information to determine whether to take collection action on the matched account data. The agreed upon solution is to revise the Data Match Specifications, previously defined as filler, to include a closed account indicator on the Method Two ‘B’ Record.

Enclosed you will find a copy of the Data Match Specifications dated August 1, 2001. Please note that the Closed Account Indicator has been added to position 360 of the Method Two ‘B’ record. Position 360 was previously described as Blank. Beginning as soon as possible and preferably by July 1, 2002, MSFIs should insert a "0" (zero) in this field if the account is open or, if the account is closed, insert a "1".

In addition to the revised Data Match Specifications, we would like to take this opportunity to eliminate any confusion that may exist regarding the current specifications. Since the introduction of the MSFIDM to MSFIs, the MSFIDM Help Desk has received numerous telephone calls from MSFIs requesting clarification on fields in the Data Match Specifications. The MSFIDM Help Desk documents the questions most frequently asked by MSFIs and tracks the common errors identified on the MSFI's response files. The MSFIDM Help Desk prepared a supplement to the data specifications to clarify the instructions for submission of data in the response files. The supplement is enclosed and contains a brief description of the data and how OCSE requests MSFIs to return data in the identified fields.

If you have additional questions regarding the revised data specifications or the supplement to data specifications, please do not hesitate to contact the MSFIDM Help Desk at (410) 277-9312. Your continued participation in the MSFIDM program is greatly appreciated.


Donna J. Bonar
Associate Commissioner
For Office of Automation and Program Operations
Office of Child Support Enforcement


cc: State IV-D Directors
State MSFIDM Liaisons
Regional Program Managers

Supplement to Financial Data Match Specifications Handbook