Reports and Testimonies
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Results for: Past six months
Sorted by: Date within each Topic

Agriculture and Food

Genetically Engineered Crops: Agencies Are Proposing Changes to Improve Oversight, but Could Take Additional Steps to Enhance Coordination and Monitoring
GAO-09-60, November 5, 2008
Federal Farm Programs: USDA Needs to Strengthen Controls to Prevent Payments to Individuals Who Exceed Income Eligibility Limits
GAO-09-67, October 24, 2008
Food Safety: Improvements Needed in FDA Oversight of Fresh Produce
GAO-08-1047, September 26, 2008
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: EPA Needs More Information and a Clearly Defined Strategy to Protect Air and Water Quality
GAO-08-1177T, September 24, 2008
Food Labeling: FDA Needs to Better Leverage Resources, Improve Oversight, and Effectively Use Available Data to Help Consumers Select Healthy Foods
GAO-08-597, September 9, 2008
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: EPA Needs More Information and a Clearly Defined Strategy to Protect Air and Water Quality from Pollutants of Concern
GAO-08-944, September 4, 2008
Electronic Waste: EPA Needs to Better Control Harmful U.S. Exports through Stronger Enforcement and More Comprehensive Regulation
GAO-08-1044, August 28, 2008
Food Stamp Program: Options for Delivering Financial Incentives to Participants for Purchasing Targeted Foods
GAO-08-415, July 30, 2008
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Budget and Spending

The Nation's Long-Term Fiscal Outlook: September 2008 Update
GAO-09-94R, November 6, 2008
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Business, Industry, and Consumers

Auto Industry: A Framework for Considering Federal Financial Assistance
GAO-09-247T, December 5, 2008
Auto Industry: A Framework for Considering Federal Financial Assistance
GAO-09-242T, December 4, 2008
Small Business Administration: Agency Should Assess Resources Devoted to Contracting and Improve Several Processes in the 8(a) Program
GAO-09-16, November 21, 2008
Small Business Administration: Opportunities Exist to Build on Leadership's Efforts to Improve Agency Performance and Employee Morale
GAO-08-995, September 24, 2008
Digital Television Transition: Information on the Implementation of the Converter Box Subsidy Program and Consumer Participation in the Program
GAO-08-1181T, September 23, 2008
Digital Television Transition: Implementation of the Converter Box Subsidy Program Is Under Way, but Preparedness to Manage an Increase in Subsidy Demand Is Unclear
GAO-08-1040, September 16, 2008
Digital Television Transition: Information on the Implementation of the Converter Box Subsidy Program and Consumer Participation in the Program
GAO-08-1161T, September 16, 2008
Export-Import Bank: Performance Standards for Small Business Assistance Are in Place but Ex-Im Is in the Early Stages of Measuring Their Effectiveness
GAO-08-915, July 17, 2008
HUBZone Program: SBA's Control Weaknesses Exposed the Government to Fraud and Abuse
GAO-08-964T, July 17, 2008
Small Business Administration: Additional Actions Are Needed to Certify and Monitor HUBZone Businesses and Assess Program Results
GAO-08-975T, July 17, 2008
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Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Agriculture: Recommendations and Options to Address Management Deficiencies in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
GAO-09-62, October 22, 2008
Diversity at GAO: Sustained Attention Needed to Build on Gains in SES and Managers
GAO-08-1156T, September 16, 2008
Diversity Management: Important Actions Taken and Planned to Further Enhance Diversity
GAO-08-1160T, September 16, 2008
Diversity at GAO: Sustained Attention Needed to Build on Gains in SES and Managers
GAO-08-1098, September 10, 2008
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Economic Development

Disaster Recovery: FEMA's Public Assistance Grant Program Experienced Challenges with Gulf Coast Rebuilding
GAO-09-129, December 18, 2008
Disaster Assistance: Federal Efforts to Assist Group Site Residents with Employment, Services for Families with Children, and Transportation
GAO-09-81, December 11, 2008
Actions Taken to Implement the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006
GAO-09-59R, November 21, 2008
Flood Insurance: Options for Addressing the Financial Impact of Subsidized Premium Rates on the National Flood Insurance Program
GAO-09-20, November 14, 2008
Flood Insurance: FEMA's Rate-Setting Process Warrants Attention
GAO-09-12, October 31, 2008
Disaster Recovery: Past Experiences Offer Insights for Recovering from Hurricanes Ike and Gustav and Other Recent Natural Disasters
GAO-08-1120, September 26, 2008
Mass Care in Disasters: FEMA Should Update the Red Cross Role in Catastrophic Events and More Fully Assess Voluntary Organizations' Mass Care Capabilities
GAO-08-1175T, September 23, 2008
Rural Economic Development: Collaboration between SBA and USDA Could Be Improved
GAO-08-1123, September 18, 2008
Voluntary Organizations: FEMA Should More Fully Assess Organization's Mass Care Capabilities and Update the Red Cross Role in Catastrophic Events
GAO-08-823, September 18, 2008
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Bureau of Indian Education: Improving Interior's Assistance Would Aid Tribal Groups Developing Academic Accountability Systems
GAO-08-1125T, September 9, 2008
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Human Capital: Selected Agencies Have Implemented Key Features of Their Senior Executive Performance-Based Pay Systems, but Refinements Are Needed
GAO-08-1019T, July 22, 2008
Department of Labor: Case Studies from Ongoing Work Show Examples in Which Wage and Hour Division Did Not Adequately Pursue Labor Violations
GAO-08-973T, July 15, 2008
Fair Labor Standards Act: Better Use of Available Resources and Consistent Reporting Could Improve Compliance
GAO-08-962T, July 15, 2008
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Energy Efficiency: Potential Fuel Savings Generated by a National Speed Limit Would Be Influenced by Many Other Factors
GAO-09-153R, November 7, 2008
Nuclear Safety: Department of Energy Needs to Strengthen Its Independent Oversight of Nuclear Facilities and Operations
GAO-09-61, October 23, 2008
Federal Energy Management: Agencies Are Acquiring Alternative Fuel Vehicles but Face Challenges in Meeting Other Fleet Objectives
GAO-09-75R, October 22, 2008
Energy Markets: Refinery Outages Can Impact Petroleum Product Prices, but No Federal Requirements to Report Outages Exist
GAO-09-87, October 7, 2008
Federal Energy Management: Addressing Challenges through Better Plans and Clarifying the Greenhouse Gas Emission Measure Will Help Meet Long-term Goals for Buildings
GAO-08-977, September 30, 2008
Nuclear Waste: Action Needed to Improve Accountability and Management of DOE's Major Cleanup Projects
GAO-08-1081, September 26, 2008
Energy Markets: Analysis of More Past Mergers Could Enhance Federal Trade Commission's Efforts to Maintain Competition in the Petroleum Industry
GAO-08-1082, September 25, 2008
Motor Fuels: Stakeholder Views on Compensating for the Effects of Gasoline Temperature on Volume at the Pump
GAO-08-1114, September 25, 2008
Nuclear Security: Los Alamos National Laboratory Faces Challenges In Sustaining Physical and Cyber Security Improvements
GAO-08-1180T, September 25, 2008
Electricity Restructuring: FERC Could Take Additional Steps to Analyze Regional Transmission Organizations' Benefits and Performance
GAO-08-987, September 22, 2008
Oil and Gas Royalties: The Federal System for Collecting Oil and Gas Revenues Needs Comprehensive Reassessment
GAO-08-691, September 3, 2008
Nuclear Material: DOE Needs to Take Action to Reduce Risks Before Processing Additional Nuclear Material at the Savannah River Site's H-Canyon
GAO-08-840, July 25, 2008
Nuclear Weapons: Views on NNSA's Proposal to Transform the Nuclear Weapons Complex
GAO-08-1032T, July 17, 2008
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Environmental Protection

National Marine Fisheries Service: Improvements Are Needed in the Federal Process Used to Protect Marine Mammals from Commercial Fishing
GAO-09-78, December 8, 2008
International Climate Change Programs: Lessons Learned from the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme and the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism
GAO-09-151, November 18, 2008
Aviation and the Environment: Initial Voluntary Airport Low Emissions Program Projects Reduce Emissions, and FAA Plans to Assess the Program's Overall Performance as Participation Increases
GAO-09-37, November 7, 2008
Climate Change: Federal Actions Will Greatly Affect the Viability of Carbon Capture and Storage As a Key Mitigation Option
GAO-08-1080, September 30, 2008
EPA's Execution of Its Fiscal year 2007 New Budget Authority for the Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Program in the Regional Offices
GAO-08-1109R, September 26, 2008
Environmental Enforcement: EPA Needs to Improve the Accuracy and Transparency of Measures Used to Report on Program Effectiveness
GAO-08-1111R, September 18, 2008
EPA Science: New Assessment Process Further Limits the Credibility and Timeliness of EPA's Assessments of Toxic Chemicals
GAO-08-1168T, September 18, 2008
Electronic Waste: Harmful U.S. Exports Flow Virtually Unrestricted Because of Minimal EPA Enforcement and Narrow Regulation
GAO-08-1166T, September 17, 2008
Environmental Health: EPA Efforts to Address Children's Health Issues Need Greater Focus, Direction, and Top-Level Commitment
GAO-08-1155T, September 16, 2008
Coastal Zone Management: Measuring Program's Effectiveness Continues to Be a Challenge
GAO-08-1045, September 12, 2008
Carbon Offsets: The U.S. Voluntary Market Is Growing, but Quality Assurance Poses Challenges for Market Participants
GAO-08-1048, August 29, 2008
Recent Actions by the Chesapeake Bay Program Are Positive Steps Toward More Effectively Guiding the Restoration Effort, but Additional Steps Are Needed
GAO-08-1131R, August 28, 2008
Hurricane Katrina: Continuing Debris Removal and Disposal Issues
GAO-08-985R, August 25, 2008
Chemical Safety Board: Improvements in Management and Oversight Are Needed
GAO-08-864R, August 22, 2008
Chesapeake Bay Program: Recent Actions Are Positive Steps Toward More Effectively Guiding the Restoration Effort
GAO-08-1033T, July 30, 2008
Superfund: Funding and Reported Costs of Enforcement and Administration Activities
GAO-08-841R, July 18, 2008
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Financial Institutions

Troubled Asset Relief Program: Additional Actions Needed to Better Ensure Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency
GAO-09-266T, December 10, 2008
Troubled Asset Relief Program: Status of Efforts to Address Defaults and Foreclosures on Home Mortgages
GAO-09-231T, December 4, 2008
Troubled Asset Relief Program: Additional Actions Needed to Better Ensure Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency
GAO-09-161, December 2, 2008
Check 21 Act: Most Consumers Have Accepted and Banks Are Progressing Toward Full Adoption of Check Truncation
GAO-09-8, October 28, 2008
Check 21 Act: Questions for Consumers about Check 21 Act (GAO-09-9SP, October 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-09-8
GAO-09-9SP, October 28, 2008
Risk-Based Capital: New Basel II Rules Reduced Certain Competitive Concerns, but Bank Regulators Should Address Remaining Uncertainties
GAO-08-953, September 12, 2008
Private Equity: Recent Growth in Leveraged Buyouts Exposed Risks That Warrant Continued Attention
GAO-08-885, September 9, 2008
Sovereign Wealth Funds: Publicly Available Data on Sizes and Investments for Some Funds Are Limited
GAO-08-946, September 9, 2008
Fair Lending: Race and Gender Data Are Limited for Nonmortgage Lending
GAO-08-1023T, July 17, 2008
Management Report: Opportunities for Improvements in FDIC's Internal Controls and Accounting Procedures
GAO-08-863R, July 11, 2008
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Financial Management

Financial Regulation: A Framework for Crafting and Assessing Proposals to Modernize the Outdated U.S. Financial Regulatory System
GAO-09-216, January 8, 2009
Financial Audit: Capitol Preservation Fund's Fiscal Years 2007 and 2006 Financial Statements
GAO-09-92, December 5, 2008
Financial Audit: Securities and Exchange Commission's Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2008 and 2007
GAO-09-173, November 14, 2008
Financial Audit: IRS's Fiscal Years 2008 and 2007 Financial Statements
GAO-09-119, November 10, 2008
Financial Audit: Bureau of the Public Debt's Fiscal Years 2008 and 2007 Schedules of Federal Debt
GAO-09-44, November 7, 2008
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Fiscal Year 2008 Airport and Airway Trust Fund Excise Taxes
GAO-09-90R, November 3, 2008
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Fiscal Year 2008 Highway Trust Fund Excise Taxes
GAO-09-91R, November 3, 2008
Financial Management: Persistent Financial Management Systems Issues Remain for Many CFO Act Agencies
GAO-08-1018, September 30, 2008
DOD Financial Management: Improvements Are Needed in Antideficiency Act Controls and Investigations
GAO-08-1063, September 26, 2008
Audit of Special Counsel Expenditures for the 6 Months Ended March 31, 2008
GAO-08-1122R, September 24, 2008
DCAA Audits: Allegations That Certain Audits at Three Locations Did Not Meet Professional Standards Were Substantiated
GAO-08-993T, September 10, 2008
Grants Management: Attention Needed to Address Undisbursed Balances in Expired Grant Accounts
GAO-08-432, August 29, 2008
DOD Financial Management: Adjudication of Butterbaugh Claims for the Restoration of Annual Leave or Pay
GAO-08-948R, July 28, 2008
Financial Management: DOD's Ability to Prevent, Identify, Investigate, and Report on Antideficiency Act Violations
GAO-08-941R, July 28, 2008
Financial Audit Manual: Volume 1, July 2008
GAO-08-585G, July 25, 2008
Financial Audit Manual: Volume 2, July 2008
GAO-08-586G, July 25, 2008
DCAA Audits: Allegations That Certain Audits at Three Locations Did Not Meet Professional Standards Were Substantiated
GAO-08-857, July 22, 2008
Financial Management: FBI Has Designed and Implemented Stronger Internal Controls over Sentinel Contractor Invoice Review and Equipment Purchases, but Additional Actions Are Needed
GAO-08-716R, July 15, 2008
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Government Operations

Radio Communications: Congressional Action Needed to Ensure Agencies Collaborate to Develop a Joint Solution
GAO-09-133, December 12, 2008
Human Capital: Diversity in the Federal SES and Processes for Selecting New Executives
GAO-09-110, November 26, 2008
Department of Labor: Better Cost Assessments and Departmentwide Performance Tracking Are Needed to Effectively Manage Competitive Sourcing Program
GAO-09-14, November 21, 2008
Results Oriented Management: Opportunities Exist for Refining the Oversight and Implementation of the Senior Executive Performance-Based Pay System
GAO-09-82, November 21, 2008
Confirmation of Political Appointees: Eliciting Nominees' Views on Management Challenges within Agencies and across Government
GAO-09-194, November 17, 2008
U.S. Government Accountability Office: Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2008
GAO-09-1SP, November 14, 2008
National Applications Office Certification Review
GAO-09-105R, November 6, 2008
Status of GSA's Implementation of Selected Green Building Provisions of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
GAO-09-111R, October 31, 2008
Federal Real Property: Government's Fiscal Exposure from Repair and Maintenance Backlogs Is Unclear
GAO-09-10, October 16, 2008
Federal Research: Opportunities Exist to Improve the Management and Oversight of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
GAO-09-15, October 8, 2008
2010 Census: Census Bureau Needs Procedures for Estimating the Response Rate and Selecting for Testing Methods to Increase Response Rate
GAO-08-1012, September 30, 2008
Lobbying Disclosure: Observations on Lobbyists' Compliance with New Disclosure Requirements
GAO-08-1099, September 30, 2008
Elections: 2007 Survey of State Voting System Programs (GAO-08-1147SP, September 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-874
GAO-08-1147SP, September 25, 2008
Elections: States, Territories, and the District Are Taking a Range of Important Steps to Manage Their Varied Voting System Environments
GAO-08-874, September 25, 2008
U.S. Postal Service: Progress Made Toward Implementing GAO's Recommendations to Strengthen Network Realignment Planning and Accountability and Improve Communication
GAO-08-1134R, September 25, 2008
Capitol Visitor Center: Update on Status of Project's Schedule and Cost as of September 24, 2008
GAO-08-1172T, September 24, 2008
The Upcoming Transition: GAO's Efforts to Assist the 111th Congress and the Next Administration
GAO-08-1174T, September 24, 2008
2010 Census: The Bureau's Plans for Reducing the Undercount Show Promise, but Key Uncertainties Remain
GAO-08-1167T, September 23, 2008
Employment and Training Program Grants: Labor Has Outlined Steps for Additional Documentation and Monitoring but Assessing Impact Still Remains an Issue
GAO-08-1140T, September 23, 2008
Briefing on Observations on the Office of Management and Budget's Report on the Human Resources Line of Business Initiative
GAO-08-1163R, September 19, 2008
Biosafety Laboratories: Perimeter Security Assessment of the Nation's Five BSL-4 Laboratories
GAO-08-1092, September 17, 2008
Elections: Federal Program for Certifying Voting Systems Needs to Be Further Defined, Fully Implemented, and Expanded
GAO-08-814, September 16, 2008
Federal Courthouse Construction: Estimated Costs to House the L.A. District Court Have Tripled and There Is No Consensus on How to Proceed
GAO-08-889, September 12, 2008
Federal Real Property: Progress Made in Reducing Unneeded Property, but VA Needs Better Information to Make Further Reductions
GAO-08-939, September 10, 2008
The Upcoming Transition: GAO's Efforts to Assist the 111th Congress and the Next Administration
GAO-08-1153T, September 10, 2008
U.S. Postal Service: New Delivery Performance Measures Could Enhance Managers' Pay for Performance Program
GAO-08-996, September 10, 2008
Assessment of the Explanation That Immigration and Customs Enforcement Provided for Its Subsequent Transfer from the Spectrum Relocation Fund
GAO-08-846R, September 9, 2008
Elections: Federal Programs for Accrediting Laboratories That Test Voting Systems Need to Be Better Defined and Implemented
GAO-08-770, September 9, 2008
Information Security: Actions Needed to Better Protect Los Alamos National Laboratory's Unclassified Computer Network
GAO-08-1001, September 9, 2008
Women's Earnings: Federal Agencies Should Better Monitor Their Performance in Enforcing Anti-Discrimination Laws
GAO-08-799, August 11, 2008
2010 Census: Census Bureau's Decision to Continue with Handheld Computers for Address Canvassing Makes Planning and Testing Critical
GAO-08-936, July 31, 2008
Indian Health Service: Mismanagement Led to Millions of Dollars in Lost or Stolen Property and Wasteful Spending
GAO-08-1069T, July 31, 2008
Information Technology: Agencies Need to Establish Comprehensive Policies to Address Changes to Projects' Cost, Schedule, and Performance Goals
GAO-08-925, July 31, 2008
United States Postal Service: Information on the Irradiation of Federal Mail in the Washington, D.C., Area
GAO-08-938R, July 31, 2008
Personnel Security Clearances: Preliminary Observations on Joint Reform Efforts to Improve the Governmentwide Clearance Eligibility Process
GAO-08-1050T, July 30, 2008
Post-Government Employment Restrictions and Foreign Agent Registration: Additional Action Needed to Enhance Implementation of Requirements
GAO-08-855, July 30, 2008
Government Performance: 2007 Federal Managers Survey on Performance and Management Issues: (GAO-08-1036SP, July 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-1026T
GAO-08-1036SP, July 24, 2008
Government Performance: Lessons Learned for the Next Administration on Using Performance Information to Improve Results
GAO-08-1026T, July 24, 2008
U.S. Postal Service: Data Needed to Assess the Effectiveness of Outsourcing
GAO-08-787, July 24, 2008
U.S. Postal Service: USPS Has Taken Steps to Strengthen Network Realignment Planning and Accountability and Improve Communication
GAO-08-1022T, July 24, 2008
U.S. Capitol Police: Progress Made in Addressing Prior GAO Recommendations on Administrative and Management Operations
GAO-08-1000T, July 16, 2008
Schedule and Timing Issues Complicate Withholding Premiums for Medicare Parts C and D from Social Security Payments
GAO-08-816R, July 15, 2008
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Ryan White Care Act: First-Year Experiences under the Part D Administrative Expense Cap
GAO-09-140, December 19, 2008
Medicare Advantage: Characteristics, Financial Risks, and Disenrollment Rates of Beneficiaries in Private Fee-for-Service Plans
GAO-09-25, December 15, 2008
Medicare Part D: Opportunities Exist for Improving Information Sent to Enrollees and Scheduling the Annual Election Period
GAO-09-4, December 12, 2008
Medicare Advantage Organizations: Actual Expenses and Profits Compared to Projections for 2006
GAO-09-132R, December 8, 2008
Health Information Technology: More Detailed Plans Needed for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Redesigned BioSense Program
GAO-09-100, November 20, 2008
State and Local Fiscal Challenges: Rising Health Care Costs Drive Long-term and Immediate Pressures
GAO-09-210T, November 19, 2008
Public Health and Border Security: HHS and DHS Should Further Strengthen Their Ability to Respond to TB Incidents
GAO-09-58, October 14, 2008
FDA Advisory Committees: Process for Recruiting Members and Evaluating Potential Conflicts of Interest
GAO-08-640, September 30, 2008
Indoor Mold: Better Coordination of Research on Health Effects and More Consistent Guidance Would Improve Federal Efforts
GAO-08-980, September 30, 2008
Indoor Mold: Ongoing and Recently Completed Federal Research Activities (GAO-08-984SP, September 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-980
GAO-08-984SP, September 30, 2008
Influenza Pandemic: HHS Needs to Continue Its Actions and Finalize Guidance for Pharmaceutical Interventions
GAO-08-671, September 30, 2008
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Coverage: Federal Oversight of Reported Price Concessions Data
GAO-08-1074R, September 30, 2008
Health-Care-Associated Infections in Hospitals: Number Associated with Medical Devices Unknown, but Experts Report Provider Practices as a Significant Factor
GAO-08-1091R, September 26, 2008
Medicare: Trends in Fees, Utilization, and Expenditures for Imaging Services before and after Implementation of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
GAO-08-1102R, September 26, 2008
Medicaid: Extent of Dental Disease in Children Has Not Decreased
GAO-08-1176T, September 23, 2008
Medicaid: Extent of Dental Disease in Children Has Not Decreased, and Millions Are Estimated to Have Untreated Tooth Decay
GAO-08-1121, September 23, 2008
Drug Safety: Better Data Management and More Inspections Are Needed to Strengthen FDA's Foreign Drug Inspection Program
GAO-08-970, September 22, 2008
Nonprofit Hospitals: Variation in Standards and Guidance Limits Comparison of How Hospitals Meet Community Benefit Requirements
GAO-08-880, September 12, 2008
Health-Care-Associated Infections in Hospitals: An Overview of State Reporting Programs and Individual Hospital Initiatives to Reduce Certain Infections
GAO-08-808, September 5, 2008
Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy: Assets and Income Are Both Important in Subsidy Denials, and Access to State and Manufacturer Drug Programs Is Uneven
GAO-08-824, September 5, 2008
Health Resources and Services Administration: Many Underserved Areas Lack a Health Center Site, and the Health Center Program Needs More Oversight
GAO-08-723, August 8, 2008
Food and Drug Administration: Approval and Oversight of the Drug Mifeprex
GAO-08-751, August 7, 2008
Prescription Drugs: FDA's Oversight of the Promotion of Drugs for Off-Label Uses
GAO-08-835, July 28, 2008
Long-Term Care Insurance: State Oversight of Rate Setting and Claims Settlement Practices
GAO-08-1016T, July 24, 2008
Medicare Part D: Some Plan Sponsors Have Not Completely Implemented Fraud and Abuse Programs, and CMS Oversight Has Been Limited
GAO-08-760, July 21, 2008
Hurricane Katrina: Trends in the Operating Results of Five Hospitals in New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina
GAO-08-681R, July 17, 2008
Medicare and Medicaid: CMS and State Efforts to Interact with the Indian Health Service and Indian Tribes
GAO-08-724, July 11, 2008
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Homeland Security

Homeland Security Grant Program Risk-Based Distribution Methods: Presentation to Congressional Committees - November 14, 2008 and December 15, 2008
GAO-09-168R, December 23, 2008
Homeland Security: U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology Program Planning and Execution Improvements Needed
GAO-09-96, December 12, 2008
Terrorism Insurance: Status of Coverage Availability for Attacks Involving Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, or Radiological Weapons
GAO-09-39, December 12, 2008
Immigration Benefits: Actions Needed to Address Vulnerabilities in Process for Granting Permanent Residency
GAO-09-55, December 5, 2008
Northern Border Security: DHS's Report Could Better Inform Congress by Identifying Actions, Resources, and Time Frames Needed to Address Vulnerabilities
GAO-09-93, November 25, 2008
Department of Homeland Security: A Strategic Approach Is Needed to Better Ensure the Acquisition Workforce Can Meet Mission Needs
GAO-09-30, November 19, 2008
Department of Homeland Security: Billions Invested in Major Programs Lack Appropriate Oversight
GAO-09-29, November 18, 2008
Combating Nuclear Smuggling: DHS's Phase 3 Test Report on Advanced Portal Monitors Does Not Fully Disclose the Limitations of the Test Results
GAO-08-979, September 30, 2008
Combating Nuclear Smuggling: DHS Needs to Consider the Full Costs and Complete All Tests Prior to Making a Decision on Whether to Purchase Advanced Portal Monitors
GAO-08-1178T, September 25, 2008
Federal User Fees: Improvements Could Be Made to Performance Standards and Penalties in USCIS's Service Center Contracts
GAO-08-1170R, September 25, 2008
Department of Homeland Security: Improvements Could Further Enhance Ability to Acquire Innovative Technologies Using Other Transaction Authority
GAO-08-1088, September 23, 2008
Combating Nuclear Smuggling: DHS's Program to Procure and Deploy Advanced Radiation Detection Portal Monitors Is Likely to Exceed the Department's Previous Cost Estimates
GAO-08-1108R, September 22, 2008
Secure Border Initiative: DHS Needs to Address Significant Risks in Delivering Key Technology Investment
GAO-08-1086, September 22, 2008
Department of Homeland Security: Progress and Continuing Concerns with Acquisition Management
GAO-08-1164T, September 17, 2008
Critical Infrastructure Protection: DHS Needs to Better Address Its Cybersecurity Responsibilities
GAO-08-1157T, September 16, 2008
Terrorism Insurance: Status of Efforts by Policyholders to Obtain Coverage
GAO-08-1057, September 15, 2008
Secure Border Initiative: DHS Needs to Address Significant Risks in Delivering Key Technology Investment
GAO-08-1148T, September 10, 2008
Secure Border Initiative: Observations on Deployment Challenges
GAO-08-1141T, September 10, 2008
Aviation Security: TSA Is Enhancing Its Oversight of Air Carrier Efforts to Screen Passengers against Terrorist Watch-List Records, but Expects Ultimate Solution to Be Implementation of Secure Flight
GAO-08-1136T, September 9, 2008
Critical Infrastructure Protection: DHS Needs to Fully Address Lessons Learned from Its First Cyber Storm Exercise
GAO-08-825, September 9, 2008
Various Issues Led to the Termination of the United States-Canada Shared Border Management Pilot Project
GAO-08-1038R, September 4, 2008
Supply Chain Security: CBP Works with International Entities to Promote Global Customs Security Standards and Initiatives, but Challenges Remain
GAO-08-538, August 15, 2008
Transportation Security: TSA Has Developed a Risk-Based Covert Testing Program, but Could Better Mitigate Aviation Security Vulnerabilities Identified Through Covert Tests
GAO-08-958, August 8, 2008
Cyber Analysis and Warning: DHS Faces Challenges in Establishing a Comprehensive National Capability
GAO-08-588, July 31, 2008
TSA's Explosives Detection Canine Program: Status of Increasing Number of Explosives Detection Canine Teams
GAO-08-933R, July 31, 2008
Biosurveillance: Preliminary Observations on Department of Homeland Security's Biosurveillance Initiatives
GAO-08-960T, July 16, 2008
Nuclear Detection: Preliminary Observations on the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office's Efforts to Develop a Global Nuclear Detection Architecture
GAO-08-999T, July 16, 2008
Aviation Security: Transportation Security Administration May Face Resource and Other Challenges in Developing a System to Screen All Cargo Transported on Passenger Aircraft
GAO-08-959T, July 15, 2008
Emergency Management: GAO Responses to Post-hearing Questions for the Record
GAO-08-1003R, July 15, 2008
Initial Results on Availability of Terrorism Insurance in Specific Geographic Markets
GAO-08-919R, July 11, 2008
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Green Affordable Housing: HUD Has Made Progress in Promoting Green Building, but Expanding Efforts Could Help Reduce Energy Costs and Benefit Tenants
GAO-09-46, October 7, 2008
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Income Security

Social Security Disability: Collection of Medical Evidence Could Be Improved with Evaluations to Identify Promising Collection Practices
GAO-09-149, December 17, 2008
Social Security Disability: Management Controls Needed to Strengthen Demonstration Projects
GAO-08-1053, September 26, 2008
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation: Improvements Needed to Address Financial and Management Challenges
GAO-08-1162T, September 24, 2008
Federal Pensions: Judicial Survivors' Annuities System Costs
GAO-08-1104, September 17, 2008
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation: Need for Improved Oversight Persists
GAO-08-1062, September 10, 2008
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation: Some Steps Have Been Taken to Improve Contracting, but a More Strategic Approach is Needed
GAO-08-871, August 18, 2008
Defined Benefit Pension Plans: Guidance Needed to Better Inform Plans of the Challenges and Risks of Investing in Hedge Funds and Private Equity
GAO-08-692, August 14, 2008
Defined Benefit Pensions: Plan Freezes Affect Millions of Participants and May Pose Retirement Income Challenges
GAO-08-817, July 21, 2008
Defined Benefit Pensions: Survey of Sponsors of Large Defined Benefit Pension Plans (GAO-08-818SP, July 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-817
GAO-08-818SP, July 21, 2008
PBGC Assets: Implementation of New Investment Policy Will Need Stronger Board Oversight
GAO-08-667, July 17, 2008
Private Pensions: Fulfilling Fiduciary Obligations Can Present Challenges for 401(k) Plan Sponsors
GAO-08-774, July 16, 2008
Private Pensions: GAO Survey of 401(k) Plan Sponsor Practices (GAO-08-870SP, July 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-774
GAO-08-870SP, July 16, 2008
State and Local Government Pension Plans: Current Structure and Funded Status
GAO-08-983T, July 10, 2008
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Information Management

Information Security: Continued Efforts Needed to Address Significant Weaknesses at IRS
GAO-09-136, January 9, 2009
Information Technology: Demand for the Social Security Administration's Electronic Data Exchanges Is Growing and Presents Future Challenges
GAO-09-126, December 4, 2008
Information Technology: Management Improvements Needed on the Department of Homeland Security's Next Generation Information Sharing System
GAO-09-40, October 8, 2008
Information Management: The National Archives and Records Administration's Fiscal Year 2008 Expenditure Plan
GAO-08-1105, September 26, 2008
Information Technology: DOD and VA Have Increased Their Sharing of Health Information, but Further Actions Are Needed
GAO-08-1158T, September 24, 2008
Information Technology: FBI Is Implementing Key Acquisition Methods on Its New Case Management System, but Related Agencywide Guidance Needs to Be Improved
GAO-08-1014, September 23, 2008
Information Technology: Treasury Needs to Better Define and Implement Its Earned Value Management Policy
GAO-08-951, September 22, 2008
Social Security Numbers Are Widely Available in Bulk and Online Records, but Changes to Enhance Security Are Occurring
GAO-08-1009R, September 19, 2008
Social Security Numbers: Transfers and Sales of Public Records That May Contain Social Security Numbers (GAO-08-1004SP, September 2008), an E-supplement to GAO-08-1009R
GAO-08-1004SP, September 19, 2008
Health Information Technology: HHS Has Taken Important Steps to Address Privacy Principles and Challenges, Although More Work Remains
GAO-08-1138, September 17, 2008
Information Technology: Federal Laws, Regulations, and Mandatory Standards to Securing Private Sector Information Technology Systems and Data in Critical Infrastructure Sectors
GAO-08-1075R, September 16, 2008
Information Technology: SSA Has Taken Key Steps for Managing Its Investments, but Needs to Strengthen Oversight and Fully Define Policies and Procedures
GAO-08-1020, September 12, 2008
Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual (FISCAM): Exposure Draft
GAO-08-1029G, July 31, 2008
Information Technology: OMB and Agencies Need to Improve Planning, Management, and Oversight of Projects Totaling Billions of Dollars
GAO-08-1051T, July 31, 2008
Information Sharing: Definition of the Results to Be Achieved in Terrorism-Related Information Sharing Is Needed to Guide Implementation and Assess Progress
GAO-08-637T, July 23, 2008
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International Affairs

United Nations Peacekeeping: Challenges Obtaining Needed Resources Could Limit Further Large Deployments and Should Be Addressed in U.S. Reports to Congress
GAO-09-142, December 18, 2008
Foreign Assistance: Continued Efforts Needed to Strengthen USAID's Oversight of U.S. Democracy Assistance for Cuba
GAO-09-165, November 24, 2008
Foreign Assistance: State Department Foreign Aid Information Systems Have Improved Change Management Practices but Do Not Follow Risk Management Best Practices
GAO-09-52R, November 21, 2008
International Environmental Oversight: U.S. Agencies Follow Certain Procedures Required by Law, but Have Limited Impact
GAO-09-99, November 20, 2008
Nonproliferation: U.S. Agencies Have Taken Some Steps, but More Effort Is Needed to Strengthen and Expand the Proliferation Security Initiative
GAO-09-43, November 10, 2008
Contingency Contracting: DOD, State, and USAID Contracts and Contractor Personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan
GAO-09-19, October 1, 2008
Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan and Iraq
GAO-09-86R, October 1, 2008
Export Promotion: The Export-Import Bank's Financing of Dual-Use Exports
GAO-08-1182R, September 30, 2008
USA Patriot Act: Better Interagency Coordination and Implementing Guidance for Section 311 Could Improve U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Efforts
GAO-08-1058, September 30, 2008
Millennium Challenge Corporation: Summary Fact Sheets for 11 Compacts Entered into Force
GAO-08-1145R, September 26, 2008
USAID Acquisition and Assistance: Actions Needed to Develop and Implement a Strategic Workforce Plan
GAO-08-1059, September 26, 2008
Export Controls: Challenges with Commerce's Validated End-User Program May Limit Its Ability to Ensure That Semiconductor Equipment Exported to China Is Used as Intended
GAO-08-1095, September 25, 2008
Visa Waiver Program: Actions Are Needed to Improve Management of the Expansion Process, and to Assess and Mitigate Program Risks
GAO-08-1142T, September 24, 2008
NATO Enlargement: Reports on Albania and Croatia Respond to Senate Requirements, but Analysis of Financial Burdens Is Incomplete
GAO-08-1165R, September 22, 2008
United Nations Peacekeeping: Lines of Authority for Field Procurment Remain Unclear, but Reforms Have Addressed Some Issues
GAO-08-1094, September 18, 2008
Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq: Iraqi Revenues, Expenditures, and Surplus
GAO-08-1144T, September 16, 2008
Visa Waiver Program: Actions Are Needed to Improve Management of the Expansion Process, and to Assess and Mitigate Program Risks
GAO-08-967, September 15, 2008
Stabilizing and Rebuilding Iraq: Iraqi Revenues, Expenditures, and Surplus
GAO-08-1031, August 5, 2008
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Managing Potential Economic Impact of Applying U.S. Immigration Law Requires Coordinated Federal Decisions and Additional Data
GAO-08-791, August 4, 2008
Border Security: State Department Is Taking Steps to Meet Projected Surge in Demand for Visas and Passports in Mexico
GAO-08-1006, July 31, 2008
Combating Terrorism: Actions Needed to Enhance Implementation of Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership
GAO-08-860, July 31, 2008
Human Rights: U.S. Government's Efforts to Address Alleged Abuse of Household Workers by Foreign Diplomats with Immunity Could Be Strengthened
GAO-08-892, July 29, 2008
State Department: Comprehensive Strategy Needed to Improve Passport Operations
GAO-08-891, July 25, 2008
Agencies Believe Strengthening International Agreements to Improve Collection of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties Would Be Difficult and Ineffective
GAO-08-876R, July 24, 2008
Developing Countries: U.S. Financing for Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Currently Experiencing a Shortfall
GAO-08-888R, July 24, 2008
Securing, Stabilizing, and Rebuilding Iraq: Progress Report: Some Gains Made, Updated Strategy Needed
GAO-08-1021T, July 23, 2008
Food Insecurity Persists in Sub-Saharan Africa despite Efforts to Halve Hunger by 2015
GAO-08-1007R, July 17, 2008
Drug Control: Cooperation with Many Major Drug Transit Countries Has Improved, but Better Performance Reporting and Sustainability Plans Are Needed
GAO-08-784, July 15, 2008
Force Structure: Preliminary Observations on the Progress and Challenges Associated with Establishing the U.S. Africa Command
GAO-08-947T, July 15, 2008
Broadcasting to Cuba: Weaknesses in Contracting Practices Reduced Visibility into Selected Award Decisions
GAO-08-764, July 11, 2008
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Justice and Law Enforcement

Crime Victims' Rights Act: Increasing Awareness, Modifying the Complaint Process, and Enhancing Compliance Monitoring Will Improve Implementation of the Act
GAO-09-54, December 15, 2008
Plan Colombia: Drug Reduction Goals Were Not Fully Met, but Security Has Improved; U.S. Agencies Need More Detailed Plans for Reducing Assistance
GAO-09-71, October 6, 2008
U.S. Asylum System: Agencies Have Taken Actions to Help Ensure Quality in the Asylum Adjudication Process, but Challenges Remain
GAO-08-935, September 25, 2008
U.S. Asylum System: Significant Variation Existed in Asylum Outcomes across Immigration Courts and Judges
GAO-08-940, September 25, 2008
American Samoa: Issues Associated with Some Federal Court Options
GAO-08-1124T, September 18, 2008
International Marriage Broker Regulation Act of 2005: Agencies Have Implemented Some, but Not All of the Act's Requirements
GAO-08-862, August 8, 2008
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National Defense

Defense Business Transformation: Status of Department of Defense Efforts to Develop a Management Approach to Guide Business Transformation
GAO-09-272R, January 9, 2009
Defense Logistics: Improved Analysis and Cost Data Needed to Evaluate the Cost-effectiveness of Performance Based Logistics
GAO-09-41, December 19, 2008
DOD Personnel Clearances: Preliminary Observations about Timeliness and Quality
GAO-09-261R, December 19, 2008
Defense Logistics: Department of Defense's Annual Report on the Status of Prepositioned Materiel and Equipment Can Be Enhanced to Better Inform Congress
GAO-09-147R, December 15, 2008
Global War on Terrorism: Reported Obligations for the Department of Defense
GAO-09-233R, December 15, 2008
Improvement Continues in DOD's Reporting on Sustainable Ranges, but Opportunities Exist to Improve Its Range Assessments and Comprehensive Plan
GAO-09-128R, December 15, 2008
Defense Inventory: Management Actions Needed to Improve the Cost Efficiency of the Navy's Spare Parts Inventory
GAO-09-103, December 12, 2008
Status of GAO Recommendations to the Department of Defense (Fiscal Years 2001-2007)
GAO-09-201R, December 11, 2008
Defense Management: Preliminary Observations on DOD's Plans for Developing Language and Cultural Awareness Capabilities
GAO-09-176R, November 25, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Timely and Accurate Estimates of Costs and Requirements Are Needed to Define Optimal Future Strategic Airlift Mix
GAO-09-50, November 21, 2008
Contract Management: DOD Developed Draft Guidance for Operational Contract Support but Has Not Met All Legislative Requirements
GAO-09-114R, November 20, 2008
Mandate on the Department of Defense's Contract Award Procedures for Directed Spending Items
GAO-09-113R, November 19, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Status of the Safety, Performance, and Reliability of the Expeditionary Fire Support System
GAO-09-189R, November 18, 2008
Force Structure: The Army Needs a Results-Oriented Plan to Equip and Staff Modular Forces and a Thorough Assessment of Their Capabilities
GAO-09-131, November 14, 2008
Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Additional Actions Needed to Improve Management and Integration of DOD Efforts to Support Warfighter Needs
GAO-09-175, November 14, 2008
Defense Health Care: Additional Efforts Needed to Ensure Compliance with Personality Disorder Separation Requirements
GAO-09-31, October 31, 2008
Defense Critical Infrastructure: Developing Training Standards and an Awareness of Existing Expertise Would Help DOD Assure the Availability of Critical Infrastructure
GAO-09-42, October 30, 2008
Defense Management: DOD Can Establish More Guidance for Biometrics Collection and Explore Broader Data Sharing
GAO-09-49, October 15, 2008
Department of Defense: A Departmentwide Framework to Identify and Report Gaps in the Defense Supplier Base Is Needed
GAO-09-5, October 7, 2008
Space Acquisitions: DOD's Goals for Resolving Space Based Infrared System Software Problems Are Ambitious
GAO-08-1073, September 30, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Sound Business Case Needed to Implement Missile Defense Agency's Targets Program
GAO-08-1113, September 26, 2008
Defense Management: DOD Needs to Establish Clear Goals and Objectives, Guidance, and a Designated Budget to Manage Its Biometrics Activities
GAO-08-1065, September 26, 2008
Military Operations: DOD Needs to Address Contract Oversight and Quality Assurance Issues for Contracts Used to Support Contingency Operations
GAO-08-1087, September 26, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: DOD's Requirements Determination Process Has Not Been Effective in Prioritizing Joint Capabilities
GAO-08-1060, September 25, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Fundamental Changes Are Needed to Improve Weapon Program Outcomes
GAO-08-1159T, September 25, 2008
Missile Defense: Actions Needed to Improve Planning and Cost Estimates for Long-Term Support of Ballistic Missile Defense
GAO-08-1068, September 25, 2008
Military Disability System: Increased Supports for Servicemembers and Better Pilot Planning Could Improve the Disability Evaluation Process
GAO-08-1137, September 24, 2008
Defense Infrastructure: NORAD and USNORTHCOM Need to Reevaluate Vulnerabilities Associated with Moving the NORAD Command Center from Cheyenne Mountain to Peterson Air Force Base, and to Acknowledge Acceptance of the Risks
GAO-08-1054R, September 18, 2008
Military Personnel: Evaluation Methods Linked to Anticipated Outcomes Needed to Inform Decisions on Army Recruitment Incentives
GAO-08-1037R, September 18, 2008
Defense Infrastructure: Opportunity to Improve the Timeliness of Future Overseas Planning Reports and Factors Affecting the Master Planning Effort for the Military Buildup on Guam
GAO-08-1005, September 17, 2008
Defense Budget: Independent Review Is Needed to Ensure DOD's Use of Cost Estimating Tool for Contingency Operations Follows Best Practices
GAO-08-982, September 15, 2008
Global War on Terrorism: Reported Obligations for the Department of Defense
GAO-08-1128R, September 15, 2008
Human Capital: DOD Needs to Improve Implementation of and Address Employee Concerns about Its National Security Personnel System
GAO-08-773, September 10, 2008
Military Personnel: Actions Needed to Strengthen Implementation and Oversight of DOD's and the Coast Guard's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Programs
GAO-08-1146T, September 10, 2008
Operation Iraqi Freedom: Actions Needed to Enhance DOD Planning for Reposturing of U.S. Forces from Iraq
GAO-08-930, September 10, 2008
DOD Business Systems Modernization: Important Management Controls Being Implemented on Major Navy Program, but Improvements Needed in Key Areas
GAO-08-896, September 8, 2008
DOD Business Systems Modernization: Planned Investment in Navy Program to Create Cashless Shipboard Environment Needs to Be Justified and Better Managed
GAO-08-922, September 8, 2008
DOD Systems Modernization: Maintaining Effective Communication Is Needed to Help Ensure the Army's Successful Deployment of the Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System
GAO-08-927R, September 8, 2008
Defense Health Care: Oversight of Military Services' Post-Deployment Health Reassessment Completion Rates Is Limited
GAO-08-1025R, September 4, 2008
Military Personnel: DOD's and the Coast Guard's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Programs Face Implementation and Oversight Challenges
GAO-08-924, August 29, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Department of Defense Needs Framework for Balancing Investments in Tactical Radios
GAO-08-877, August 15, 2008
Defense Critical Infrastructure: Adherence to Guidance Would Improve DOD's Approach to Identifying and Assuring the Availability of Critical Transportation Assets
GAO-08-851, August 15, 2008
Military Personnel: Improvements Needed to Increase Effectiveness of DOD's Programs to Promote Positive Working Relationships between Reservists and Their Employers
GAO-08-981R, August 15, 2008
Military Base Realignments and Closures: Army Is Developing Plans to Transfer Functions from Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, to Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, but Challenges Remain
GAO-08-1010R, August 13, 2008
DOD Business Transformation: Air Force's Current Approach Increases Risk That Asset Visibility Goals and Transformation Priorities Will Not Be Achieved
GAO-08-866, August 8, 2008
DOD Business Systems Modernization: Key Navy Programs' Compliance with DOD's Federated Business Enterprise Architecture Needs to Be Adequately Demonstrated
GAO-08-972, August 7, 2008
Ballistic Missile Defense: Actions Needed to Improve Process for Identifying and Addressing Combatant Command Priorities
GAO-08-740, July 31, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Cost to Deliver Zumwalt-Class Destroyers Likely to Exceed Budget
GAO-08-804, July 31, 2008
Defense Acquisitions: Zumwalt-Class Destroyer Program Emblematic of Challenges Facing Navy Shipbuilding
GAO-08-1061T, July 31, 2008
Military Personnel: Preliminary Observations on DOD's and the Coast Guard's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Programs
GAO-08-1013T, July 31, 2008
Rebuilding Iraq: DOD and State Department Have Improved Oversight and Coordination of Private Security Contractors in Iraq, but Further Actions Are Needed to Sustain Improvements
GAO-08-966, July 31, 2008
DOD Business Systems Modernization: Key Marine Corps System Acquisition Needs to Be Better Justified, Defined, and Managed
GAO-08-822, July 28, 2008
Defense Infrastructure: Services' Use of Land Use Planning Authorities
GAO-08-850, July 23, 2008
Rapid Acquisition of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles
GAO-08-884R, July 15, 2008
Personnel Clearances: Questions for the Record Regarding Security Clearance Reform
GAO-08-965R, July 14, 2008
Defense Space Activities: DOD Needs to Further Clarify the Operationally Responsive Space Concept and Plan to Integrate and Support Future Satellites
GAO-08-831, July 11, 2008
Air Force Procurement: Aerial Refueling Tanker Protest
GAO-08-991T, July 10, 2008
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Natural Resources

Research and Development: DOE Could Enhance the Project Selection Process for Government Oil and Natural Gas Research
GAO-09-186, December 29, 2008
Wildland Fire Management: Interagency Budget Tool Needs Further Development to Fully Meet Key Objectives
GAO-09-68, November 24, 2008
Federal Land Management: Use of Stewardship Contracting Is Increasing, but Agencies Could Benefit from Better Data and Contracting Strategies
GAO-09-23, November 13, 2008
Bureau of Land Management: Effective Long-Term Options Needed to Manage Unadoptable Wild Horses
GAO-09-77, October 9, 2008
Oil and Gas Leasing: Interior Could Do More to Encourage Diligent Development
GAO-09-74, October 3, 2008
Oil and Gas Royalties: MMS's Oversight of Its Royalty-in-Kind Program Can Be Improved through Additional Use of Production Verification Data and Enhanced Reporting of Financial Benefits and Costs
GAO-08-942R, September 26, 2008
Wildlife Refuges: Trends in Funding, Staffing, Habitat Management, and Visitor Services for Fiscal Years 2002 through 2007
GAO-08-1179T, September 24, 2008
Wildlife Refuges: Changes in Funding, Staffing, and Other Factors Create Concerns about Future Sustainability
GAO-08-797, September 22, 2008
Mineral Revenues: Data Management Problems and Reliance on Self-Reported Data for Compliance Efforts Put MMS Royalty Collections at Risk
GAO-08-893R, September 12, 2008
Hardrock Mining: Information on State Royalties and Trends in Mineral Imports and Exports
GAO-08-849R, July 21, 2008
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Science, Space, and Technology

NASA: Agency Faces Challenges Defining Scope and Costs of Space Shuttle Transition and Retirement
GAO-08-1096, September 30, 2008
Space Acquisitions: Uncertainties in the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Program Pose Management and Oversight Challenges
GAO-08-1039, September 26, 2008
NASA Workforce: Briefing on National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Use of Term Appointments
GAO-08-920R, September 10, 2008
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Social Services

Social Security Disability: Improving Notices to Denied Claimants
GAO-09-183R, January 9, 2009
Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Initiative: Further Progress Is Needed in Developing a Risk-Based Monitoring Approach to Help HHS Improve Program Oversight
GAO-08-1002, September 26, 2008
African American Children in Foster Care: HHS and Congressional Actions Could Help Reduce Proportion in Care
GAO-08-1064T, July 31, 2008
Drug-Free Communities Support Program: Stronger Internal Controls and Other Actions Needed to Better Manage the Grant-Making Process
GAO-08-57, July 31, 2008
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Tax Policy and Administration

Tax Administration: IRS Needs to Strengthen Its Approach for Evaluating the SRFMI Data-Sharing Pilot Program
GAO-09-45, November 7, 2008
Tax Gap: Actions That Could Improve Rental Real Estate Reporting Compliance
GAO-08-956, August 28, 2008
Tax Preparers: Oregon's Regulatory Regime May Lead to Improved Federal Tax Return Accuracy and Provides a Possible Model for National Regulation
GAO-08-781, August 15, 2008
Individual Retirement Accounts: Additional IRS Actions Could Help Taxpayers Facing Challenges in Complying with Key Tax Rules
GAO-08-654, August 14, 2008
U.S. Multinational Corporations: Effective Tax Rates Are Correlated with Where Income Is Reported
GAO-08-950, August 12, 2008
Tax Compliance: Businesses Owe Billions in Federal Payroll Taxes
GAO-08-1034T, July 29, 2008
Tax Compliance: Businesses Owe Billions in Federal Payroll Taxes
GAO-08-617, July 25, 2008
Cayman Islands: Business Advantages and Tax Minimization Attract U.S. Persons and Enforcement Challenges Exist
GAO-08-779T, July 24, 2008
Cayman Islands: Business and Tax Advantages Attract U.S. Persons and Enforcement Challenges Exist
GAO-08-778, July 24, 2008
Cayman Islands: Review of Cayman Islands and U.S. Laws Applicable to U.S. Persons' Financial Activity in the Cayman Islands, (GAO-08-1028SP), an E-supplement to GAO-08-778, July 2008
GAO-08-1028SP, July 24, 2008
Tax Administration: Comparison of the Reported Tax Liabilities of Foreign- and U.S.-Controlled Corporations, 1998-2005
GAO-08-957, July 24, 2008
Gulf Opportunity Zone: States Are Allocating Federal Tax Incentives to Finance Low-Income Housing and a Wide Range of Private Facilities
GAO-08-913, July 16, 2008
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Federal-Aid Highways: Federal Requirements for Highways May Influence Funding Decisions and Create Challenges, but Benefits and Costs Are Not Tracked
GAO-09-36, December 12, 2008
Transportation Security Administration's Suspension of the Butane Lighter Ban Onboard Commercial Aircraft
GAO-09-177R, December 5, 2008
Highway Safety Improvement Program: Further Efforts Needed to Address Data Limitations and Better Align Funding with States' Top Safety Priorities
GAO-09-35, November 21, 2008
Approaches to Mitigate Freight Congestion
GAO-09-163R, November 20, 2008
Responses to Questions for the Record; September 2008 Hearing on the Next Generation Air Transportation System: Status and Issues
GAO-09-130R, October 20, 2008
Highway Safety: Foresight Issues Challenge DOT's Efforts to Assess and Respond to New Technology-Based Trends
GAO-09-56, October 3, 2008
Aviation Safety: FAA Has Increased Efforts to Address Runway Incursions
GAO-08-1169T, September 25, 2008
Aviation Safety: FAA Has Taken Steps to Determine That It Has Made Correct Medical Certification Decisions
GAO-08-997, September 17, 2008
Commercial Aviation: Impact of Airline Crew Scheduling on Delays and Cancellations of Commercial Flights
GAO-08-1041R, September 17, 2008
Transportation Security: Transportation Worker Identification Credential: A Status Update
GAO-08-1151T, September 17, 2008
Next Generation Air Transportation System: Status of Key Issues Associated with the Transition to NextGen
GAO-08-1154T, September 11, 2008
Next Generation Air Transportation System: Status of Systems Acquisition and the Transition to the Next Generation Air Transportation System
GAO-08-1078, September 11, 2008
Highway Bridge Program: Clearer Goals and Performance Measures Needed for a More Focused and Sustainable Program
GAO-08-1043, September 10, 2008
Highway Bridge Program: Clearer Goals and Performance Measures Needed for a More Focused and Sustainable Program
GAO-08-1127T, September 10, 2008
Aviation Security: TSA Is Enhancing Its Oversight of Air Carrier Efforts to Identify Passengers on the No Fly and Selectee Lists, but Expects Ultimate Solution to Be Implementation of Secure Flight
GAO-08-992, September 9, 2008
Highway Public-Private Partnerships: More Rigorous Up-Front Analysis Could Better Secure Potential Benefits and Protect the Public Interest
GAO-08-1149R, September 8, 2008
Review of the Transportation Security Administration's Air Cargo Screening Exemptions Report
GAO-08-1055R, August 15, 2008
Airline Industry: Potential Mergers and Acquisitions Driven by Financial and Competitive Pressures
GAO-08-845, July 31, 2008
FAA Airspace Redesign: An Analysis of the New York/New Jersey/Philadelphia Project
GAO-08-786, July 31, 2008
Safe Routes to School: Progress in Implementing the Program, but a Comprehensive Plan to Evaluate Program Outcomes Is Needed
GAO-08-789, July 31, 2008
Surface Transportation Programs: Proposals Highlight Key Issues and Challenges in Restructuring the Programs
GAO-08-843R, July 29, 2008
Public Transportation: Improvements Are Needed to More Fully Assess Predicted Impacts of New Starts Projects
GAO-08-844, July 25, 2008
Aviation Security: Transportation Security Administration Has Strengthened Planning to Guide Investments in Key Aviation Security Programs, but More Work Remains
GAO-08-1024T, July 24, 2008
Commercial Drivers: Certification Process for Drivers with Serious Medical Conditions
GAO-08-1030T, July 24, 2008
Highway Public-Private Partnerships: Securing Potential Benefits and Protecting the Public Interest Could Result from More Rigorous Up-front Analysis
GAO-08-1052T, July 24, 2008
Air Traffic Control: FAA Uses Earned Value Techniques to Help Manage Information Technology Acquisitions, but Needs to Clarify Policy and Strengthen Oversight
GAO-08-756, July 18, 2008
Highway Safety: Preliminary Observations on Efforts to Implement Changes in the Highway Safety Improvement Program Since SAFETEA-LU
GAO-08-1015T, July 17, 2008
Traffic Safety Programs: Progress, States' Challenges, and Issues for Reauthorization
GAO-08-990T, July 16, 2008
National Airspace System: DOT and FAA Actions Will Likely Have a Limited Effect on Reducing Delays during Summer 2008 Travel Season
GAO-08-934T, July 15, 2008
Traffic Safety: NHTSA's Improved Oversight Could Identify Opportunities to Strengthen Management and Safety in Some States
GAO-08-788, July 14, 2008
Surface Transportation: Principles Can Guide Efforts to Restructure and Fund Federal Programs
GAO-08-744T, July 10, 2008
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Veterans Affairs

VA Health Care: Improved Staffing Methods and Greater Availability of Alternate and Flexible Work Schedules Could Enhance the Recruitment and Retention of Inpatient Nurses
GAO-09-17, October 24, 2008
VA National Initiatives and Local Programs that Address Education and Support for Families of Returning Veterans
GAO-09-22R, October 22, 2008
Multiple Agencies Provide Assistance to Service-disabled Veterans or Entrepreneurs, but Specific Needs Are Difficult to Identify and Coordination Is Weak
GAO-09-11R, October 15, 2008
Veterans Affairs: Additional Details Are Needed in Key Planning Documents to Guide the New Financial and Logistics Initiative
GAO-08-1097, September 22, 2008
Veterans' Benefits: Improvements Needed in VA's Training and Performance Management Systems
GAO-08-1126T, September 18, 2008
Veterans Health Administration: Improvements Needed in Design of Controls over Miscellaneous Obligations
GAO-08-976, September 11, 2008
Veterans' Disability Benefits: Better Accountability and Access Would Improve the Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program
GAO-08-901, September 9, 2008
Veterans Affairs: Continued Action Needed to Reduce IT Equipment Losses and Correct Control Weaknesses
GAO-08-918, July 31, 2008
Veterans Health Administration: Improvements Needed in Design of Controls over Miscellaneous Obligations
GAO-08-1056T, July 31, 2008
Electronic Health Records: DOD and VA Have Increased Their Sharing of Health Information, but More Work Remains
GAO-08-954, July 28, 2008
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