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Earth Science data and services directory: Global Change Master Directory Web Site
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a directory of Earth science data and services
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Home Data Sets Data Services Collaborations Add new dataset and data service records to GCMD What's New Participate Calendar About GCMD
  Agriculture thumbnail Agriculture
forest science, soils ...
  Atmosphere thumbnail Atmosphere
precipitation, air quality ...
  Biosphere thumbnail Biosphere
ecosystems, vegetation...
  Biological Classification thumbnail Biological Classification
animals/invertebrates, plants...
  Climate Indicators thumbnail Climate Indicators
air temperature, drought ...
  Snow and Ice thumbnail Cryosphere
frozen ground, sea ice ...
  Human Dimensions thumbnail Human Dimensions
land use, population ...
  Ancillary Descriptions bullet Data Centers bullet Projects
bullet Instruments / Sensors
bullet Platforms / Sources
Land  thumbnail Land Surface
erosion, topography ...
Oceans thumbnail Oceans
ocean temperature , salinity ...
Paleoclimate thumbnail, photo credit USDA Pollen Lab Paleoclimate
ice cores, land records ...
Solid Earth thumbnail Solid Earth
geochemistry, seismology ...
Spectral Measurements thumbnail Spectral / Engineering
radar, visible imagery ...
Sun-Earth  Interactions thumbnail Sun-Earth Interactions
auroras, solar activity ...
Terrestrial Hydrosphere thumbnail Terrestrial Hydrosphere
ground water, water quality ...
locations thumbnail Map / Date Search
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GCMD is the American Coordinating Node of Committee On Earth Observation Satellites
CEOS International Directory Network
USA dot gov - The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal
+ Privacy Policy and Important Notices
Webmaster:  Monica Holland
Responsible NASA Official:  Lola Olsen
Last Updated: December 2008