This is the South Atlantic Division Gold castle logo

US Army Corps of Engineers
South Atlantic Division

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The South Atlantic Division is one of eight regional offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, with responsibility for planning, design, construction and operation of a wide variety of military and water resources projects. With an annual workload of more than $1 billion, the Division provides services to soldiers, airmen, and civilians in eight southeastern states, from Virginia to Mississippi, along with the Caribbean and Central and South America.


The POC for this site:
Rob Holland, CESAD-PA
    US Army Engineer Division, South Atlantic 
    Room 9M15, 60 Forsyth St. S.W. 
    Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801
    Telephone: 404-562-5011

a graphic layout of the American Flay with the Corps Gold Castel inlayed in the lower right corner