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LA Times: Now on Exhibit, the Blogger's View
August 2, 2006

Los Angeles Times discusses the new world of museum blogging

For a behind-the-scenes look at museum blogging in general and Eye Level in particular, take a look at Now on exhibit, the blogger's view in Sunday's Los Angeles Times. Writer David Ng gives you a sense of how museums (including SAAM) balance new-world communication within traditional organizations.

Unlike personal blogs, where anything goes, museums must weigh institutional objectives, such as promoting new exhibitions, against the populist pressures of the blogosphere — like being independent and snarky.

Balancing what our readers normally expect from a blog (insightful and numerous posts) with the realities of an organization is a challenging endeavor. It keeps all of us here at Eye Level on our toes and we've learned a lot in the eight months we've been around.

Posted by Jeff on August 2, 2006 in Museums & Technology


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