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These electronic collections are largely composed of digital versions of paper documents from the Combined Arms Research Library collections.  The collections of digitized materials are uploaded in the CONTENTdm® Digital Collection Management System which allows for greater search and retrieval of the individual documents. For example, you can find CGSC MMAS theses and SAMS monographs here.

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The School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) is one of the parts of the CGSC. Most SAMS students complete the regular CGSC course, then stay for a second academic year. They write either one or two monographs and are awarded a Master of Military Art and Science (MMAS) graduate degree. Most go on to planning jobs in field units. The collection contains all the publicly releasable monographs produced since the program began in 1986. The Master of Military Art and Science (MMAS) program began in 1964. CGSC regular course students may elect to take a set of electives, write a thesis, and earn an accredited Masters. This collection contains the publicly releasable theses.  MMAS theses provide in-depth research on historical events, operational issues, and organizations, both existing and proposed.  The Command and General Staff School (CGSS) students at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, produced papers about military history topics during 1930-1936 classes. Some of the papers were written as individual research papers and some were done as a group research monograph. This is a rich resource for interwar topics, as well as lessons learned about past battles and operational art. Post World War II papers written by students while attending the Command and General Staff College. These papers were written for course requirements and do not fit into the SAMS monographs or CGSC theses collections. This collection showcases a variety of media relating to the history of Fort Leavenworth, Kansas with particular attention to the Command and General Staff College. This includes books, pamphlets, photographs, and maps. Obsolete military manuals are frequently used by researchers to understand the thought process and operating environment of the military during a certain time frame. This collection will have an emphasis on Army doctrine. The publications in this collection are no longer current doctrine or current operating procedures. They are presented here for their historical value.
During WW II, the Command and General Staff College's (CGSC) primary mission was to train large numbers of captains and majors to be staff officers in battalions, brigades, divisions, and corps. To that end, the Army provided copies of documents, such as operations orders, after action reports, intelligence analyses and more, produced by field units to the College. This Military History, 1900-1939 collection contains items from World War I, Russo-Japanese War, the interwar period and other topics during this time period. The items in this collection cover the areas of military history which are not covered in the other collections. Look in here for items on the Vietnam Conflict, Korean War, and the U.S. Civil War, to name a few. A project of the Combat Studies Institute, the Operational Leadership Experiences Interview Collection archives firsthand, multi-service accounts from military personnel who planned, participated in and supported operations in the Global War on Terrorism. Military Review, the Professional Journal of the U.S. Army. Frontier Army Museum
Combat Studies Institute has regularly published a wide array of official Research Studies, Reports, Surveys, and Bibliographies. Center for Army Lessons Learned Repository US Army Sergeant Major's Academy Digital Library contains student papers. Morris Swett Technical Library Digital Library is part of CARL's Digital Library consortium.  Collection contains historical reports and military manuals. George S. Nafziger Orders of Battle collection Fort Leonard Wood Maneuver Support Center (MANSCEN) Digital Repository.

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