
You can still make a difference this year—today is your last chance to make a donation to the National Museum of American History and benefit from a 2008 tax deduction. Help us prepare for an exciting New Year by making your donation before midnight on Wednesday, Dec. 31. 

As you may know, a decline in federal funding has left us increasingly dependent on the generosity of private donors.  That’s why we rely on our supporters—people like you who invest in the future of our nation’s heritage.

Our plans for 2009 are ambitious. New exhibitions will include "Abraham Lincoln: An Extraordinary Life," commemorating the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth, and "On the Water: Stories of Maritime America," bringing to life the nation's rich maritime history.  When you make a gift to the Museum, you ensure we can continue to collect, preserve, and display the nation’s heritage for future generations.  Gifts can also be made in honor or memory of a loved one.

Be a part of history.  Give before midnight tonight, and know that your tax-deductible gift is helping to protect and preserve our shared history.

Lincon's hat

Your support will help ensure that the Museum can continue to preserve and illuminate the nation's heritage for millions to enjoy and provide educational programs that inspire young and old alike.  Make your 2008 tax-deductible donation today.

Thank you for your support. Best wishes for a happy and safe New Year.

—Brent D. Glass, director