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List of Horticulture Internship Projects

Intern for Horticulture Services DivsionIntern projects encompass the many diverse program areas within the Smithsonian’s Horticulture Services Division (HSD). Each project is intended to enrich an intern’s experience by expanding their work skills and understanding of the many integrated programs that support a large and successful public garden operation.

Smithsonian Garden and Landscape Projects

  • Butterfly Habitat Garden
  • Kathrine Dulin Folger Rose Garden
  • Enid A. Haupt Garden
  • Mary Livingston Ripley Garden
  • Heirloom Garden and Victory Garden
  • Native Landscape at the National Museum of the American Indian
  • Rotational Horticulture Management Internship

Greenhouse Nursery Operation Projects

  • Greenhouse Productions
  • Smithsonian Orchid Collection
  • Interior Plantscapes

Horticulture Collections Management and Education Projects

  • Archives of American Gardens
  • Garden Furnishings and Horticultural Artifacts Collection
  • Education and Outreach

Speciality Area Projects

  • Landscape Architecture
  • Irrigation Program
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
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