2008 Farm Bill Main Page
USDA 2008 Farm Bill
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2008 Farm Bill
Farm Bill 2008
 Farm Service Agency Fact Sheet on Direct Countercyclical Payments (DCP)
 Farm Service Agency Fact Sheet on Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC)
 USDA Announces New Office Of Ecosystem Services And Markets
 Important Farm Bill Dates!

2008 Crop and CRP Acreage Reporting, Sign-up Deadlines, Crop Insurance, 2009-12 NAP Service Fees and 2008 Direct and Counter-Cyclical Payment Program (DCP).

 Upcoming Farm Bill Meetings

Following passage of the new farm bill in late May 2008, USDA agencies are holding public meetings about how the new law will be implemented.

 Fielding the Farm Bill - implementing the new law
 Transcripts and Comments

Comment: Brenda Robinson Environmental Solutions (Sept 15, 2008)

Transcript: USDA Rural Development to Hold Public Meeting on Farm Bill Renewable Energy Provisions (Sept 4, 2008)

In The News

USDA Enacts Changes to Payment Limitations, Income Qualifications, and Implements Direct Attribution Programs

Milk Income Loss Contract Program Signup Begins Dec 22

Secretary Schafer Announces 2009 DCP Signup Begins December 22, 2008

USDA Invites Applications for Advanced Biorefinery Guaranteed Loans

USDA Announces Amended Farm Bill Provisions and New Sign Up Deadline

USDA Approves Final Regulations for the 2008 Through 2012 Cotton Programs

USDA Awards More Than $28 Million in Specialty Crop Research

USDA Issues $1.8 Billion in Conservation Reserve Program Rental Payments

Schafer Announces Purchase of Up to 3.6 Million Pounds of Fresh Tomatoes

USDA Announces Fiscal Year 2009 Sugar Program

FACT SHEET: 2008 Farm Bill Renewable Energy Provisions

USDA Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Announces Tribal College Tour

USDA Agency Releases Comparison of Old and New Farm Legislation

USDA Rural Development to Hold Public Meeting on Farm Bill Renewable Energy Provisions

USDA Readies Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Purchases for Elementary Schools

USDA Awards $500,000 for WIC Special Project Grants to Four States

Secretary Schafer Awards $21.8 Million in Grants to States for The Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

USDA and Community-and Faith-Based Partners Meet August 6

USDA Announces Public Meeting July 22nd on Biopreferred Labeling Program

Schafer Announces an Additional $202.5 Million for Two Voluntary Conservation Programs

Learn more about the new farmbill
Link - Public Law version 6124 of the Farm Bill

PDF - Public Law version 6124 of the Farm Bill