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Rep. McDermott Leads House Congressional Action on India Resolution

Co-Chair of India Caucus Pledges Strong U.S. Support for India

December 11, 2008

At the urging of Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA), co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, and other House leaders, the U.S. House of Representatives last night passed a resolution condemning the recent attacks in Mumbai.

The House passed H. Res. 1532 by unanimous consent and Rep. McDermott said the vote demonstrated America’s strong and unwavering support for India, especially in this time of crisis:  “We spoke with one voice, as one Democratic nation to another Democratic nation, making clear our support for India and our condemnation of this unprovoked attack,” Rep. McDermott said.  “I said at the time and I say again, today we are all Indian, and we stand by your side just as you stood by America on 9/11.”  


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Staggering Job Losses Highlight Need For Improvements to Unemployment Insurance

House Legislation would modernize UI system

December 5, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced today that the U.S. economy lost 533,000 jobs last month, the largest one-month loss since 1974.  Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) and Income Security and Family Support Subcommittee Chairman McDermott (D-WA) responded by calling for the swift passage of the Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act (HR 2233).  This legislation would provide up to $7 billion for States to improve unemployment insurance coverage for many jobless workers who are now denied those benefits.

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In Washington, D.C. recently, the Hindu American Foundation presented Rep. Jim McDermott, co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, with its Friend of the Community Award. 

The Hindu American Foundation presented Rep. Jim McDermott, co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, with its Friend of the Community Award.
To the Congressman's right is Nikhil Joshi, Esq. – a member of HAF’s Board of Directors; to the Congressman's left are Suhag Shukla, Esq. - Managing Director and Legal Counsel for HAF and Ishani Chowdhury, HAF’s Director of Public Policy.


Earmark Information

A number of safeguards and disclosure requirements have been established for the appropriations process to increase transparency of the process and to ensure that projects are thoroughly vetted and are in the public’s interest. Members of Congress for the first time have to sign a declaration for each project that they request funding for stating that they or their family members do not have a financial interest in the project. While it is true that a select few of my colleagues in Congress have abused the earmark process, the vast majority use earmarks for their true purpose; to give direct federalfinancial backing to valuable and necessary public projects.

Over the years I have secured funding in my district for a number of important transportation and freight mobility projects, after school programs, environmental restoration projects, housing developments, and health infrastructure and research programs, among others. I have never received an earmark that I would be afraid to disclose, which is why I will be posting all the earmarks I receive on this page.

We Must Never Forgetand Never Relent in Our Fight Against AIDS

December 1, 2008

World Aids Day is a day to bear witness, to celebrate the progress we have made and to re-dedicate ourselves to the fight by telling our own personal stories.  When experiences are shared from every corner of the globe, we remind the world of the urgency to act, and we renew our faith in the belief that one day soon we will eradicate the AIDS pandemic. 

I witnessed the first outbreak of the AIDS pandemic in the1980s in Africa.  As a physician and psychiatrist in the U.S. State Department, I traveled across the African continent serving U.S. missions and working with local leaders.  At the time the AIDS virus was largely unknown and mysterious, and it spread with stunning and devastating ferocity from country to country, killing millions. 

One couldn’t help but feel a sense of helplessness, but many of us resolved to fight this scourge from whatever vantage point we occupied.  For me, that was the U.S. House of Representatives, which I entered in 1989.  At the urging of then-Speaker Thomas S. Foley, I co-founded a congressional caucus on HIV/AIDS.  It gave America a platform in which to educate and organize Congress against the threat.

Congressional colleagues representing every political viewpoint across America spoke with one passionate and determined voice to ensure that we would lead, not merely respond to this global crisis.  And we have.  Led by the United States, the world has gained ground against AIDS, inch by inch, but inextricably forward. 

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Ways and Means Leaders Praise Senate Passage of Unemployment Insurance Extension

November 20, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) and Income Security and Family Support Subcommittee Chairman Jim McDermott (D-WA) praised the Senate for agreeing to legislation passed by the House (H.R. 6867) to extend unemployment insurance benefits to Americans suffering in these difficult economic times.

“With this extension we are taking the right step, a necessary step, toward rebuilding our economy,” said Chairman Rangel.  “Extending this basic assistance to help unemployed workers pay their mortgages, feed their families, and heat their homes is a down payment on broader economic recovery legislation that our economy desperately needs.  I welcome the news that the President intends to sign this critical legislation, which will help hundreds of thousands of workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.”


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Rep. McDermott Joins Team of Volunteers to Serve 250 Seafood Meals to the Homeless and Unemployed
October 22, 2008

Rep. McDermott Joins Team of Volunteers to Serve 250 Seafood Meals to the Homeless and Unemployed

Rep. Jim McDermott joined a team of volunteers on Wednesday, October 22 in Seattle to serve 250 seafood meals to the homeless and unemployed as part of the At-Sea Processor Association’s Community Catch program.  APA’s member companies are all based in western Washington and annually donate enough fish for one million seafood meals to food assistance programs. 

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Fort Lawton Provision Signed Into Law
October 14, 2008

Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) announced that the President signed the Department of Defense Authorization bill today that included a provision to award back-pay plus interest to the Fort Lawton soldiers absolved of any wrong doing for a World War II era crime they did not commit.  The provision is Sec 592 in S. 3001.

“Justice has prevailed, but more than that, the dignity, courage and honor lived by Samuel Snow, Booker Townsell and other African American soldiers throughout a half century of racial injustice will write a new chapter in American history that children will learn about for generations to come,” Rep. McDermott said.  “While no amount of money can ever repay the lost opportunities endured by these African American soldiers, they would be the first to say it was never about money, it was always about equal protection under the law for everyone in America.”

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Rep. McDermott’s Foster Care Legislation Signed Into Law
October 08, 2008

The President signed Rep. Jim McDermott’s Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act, H.R. 6893, into law late yesterday.  The legislation marks the most significant reform of America’s child welfare system in more than a decade. 

“We are going to be able to take better care of America’s most vulnerable children because of the major reforms contained in this legislation,” Rep. McDermott said.  “And, we are clearly telling these children that they are not alone in America, and they can grow up in a loving, caring home with a chance at the American Dream.” 

Across America, there are nearly 500,000 children in foster care on any given day, with approximately 130,000 waiting to be adopted.

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