Sunday, September 16, 2012 | The online resource for training fire investigators

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International Association of
Arson Investigators

CFITrainer News
"Utilizing NFPA 1033 and 921- Retired" New modules
Over the last several weeks two new modules related to NFPA documents that impact the fire investigation profession. (more)
"Utilizing NFPA 1033 and 921- Retired" New modules
Featured Module
NFPA1033 and Your Career
NFPA1033 and Your Career
This module educates the investigator about NFPA 1033’s importance, its requirements, and how those requirements impact the fire investigator’s professional development. (more)
An Analysis of the Station Nightclub Fire
A fire occurred on the night of Feb. 20, 2003, in The Station nightclub at 211 Cowesett Avenue, West Warwick, Rhode Island. (more)

Arc Mapping Basics
Arc Mapping, or Arc Fault Circuit Analysis, uses the electrical system to help reconstruct a scene, providing investigators with a means of determining the area of a fire’s origin. (more)

Charleston Sofa Super Store Fire
A fire occurred on the evening of June 18, 2007, in the Sofa Super Store in Charleston, SC that resulted in the deaths of nine fire fighters. (more)

Communicating the Value of Membership in the IAAI
This module will present a description of the IAAI organization. (more)

Critical Thinking Solves Cases
This program brings three highly experienced fire investigators and an attorney with experience as a prosecutor and civil litigator together for a round table discussion. (more)

Digital Photography and the Fire Investigator
The program discusses the basics of digital photography for fire investigators as well as software and editing procedures for digital images intended as evidence. (more)

This module covers the foundation of DNA evidence: defining, recognizing, collecting, and testing. (more)

Documenting the Event
This program provides a practical overview of how to perform the baseline documentation tasks that occur at every scene. (more)

Effective Investigation and Testimony
This module will discuss the techniques and strategies for conducting a proper science-based fire scene investigation and effectively presenting an investigator’s findings in court as an expert witness. (more)

Electrical Safety
This module presents critical electrical safety practices that every fire investigator should implement at every scene, every time. (more)

Ethics and the Fire Investigator
Should you work for a private lab as a consultant if you are on an Arson Task Force? How about accepting discounts from the local hardware store as a “thanks” for a job well done on a fire they had last year? (more)

Evidence Examination: What Happens at the Lab?
This module takes investigators into the forensic laboratory and shows them what happens to the different types of fire scene evidence that are typically submitted for testing. (more)

Explosion Dynamics
This module teaches the foundational knowledge of explosion dynamics, which is a necessary precursor to investigating an explosion scene. (more)

Fire Dynamics Calculations
The program is designed to introduce a new Palm/Pocket PC application called CFI Calculator to users and provide examples of how it can be used by fire investigators in the field. (more)

Fire Investigator Scene Safety
The evaluation of hazards and the assessment of the relative risks associated with the investigation of fires and explosions are critical factors in the management of any investigation. (more)

Fire Protection Systems
This module will describe the most commonly encountered fire protection systems. (more)

Fundamentals of Interviewing
This module presents best practices in preparing for and conducting the informational interview with witnesses in the fire investigation case. (more)

Fundamentals of Residential Building Construction
This module provides instruction on the fundamentals of residential building construction with an eye toward how building construction affects fire development. (more)

How First Responders Impact The Fire Investigation
This module teaches first responders, including fire, police and EMS, how to make critical observations. (more)

Insurance and the Fire Investigation
This program discusses how to access insurance information, understand insurance documents, ask key questions of witnesses, and apply the information learned. (more)

Introduction to Evidence
This program introduces the fire investigator to the issues related to the collection, handling and use of evidence related to a fire investigation. (more)

Introduction to Fire Dynamics and Modeling
This program takes you inside the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) archives of some of the most interesting and instructive test burns and fire model simulations they have ever conducted. (more)

Investigating Fatal Fires
This module provides a thorough understanding of the ways an investigation changes when a fire-related death occurs. (more)

Investigating Motor Vehicle Fires
This program will introduce the fire investigator to the basic methodologies use to investigate vehicle fires. (more)

MagneTek: A Case Study In The Daubert Challenge
This program discusses the latest developments in expert testimony under the Daubert standard, including the MagneTek case recently decided in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. (more)

Managing Complex Fire Scene Investigations
This module focuses on how to manage investigations that have “complicating” factors. (more)

Motive, Means, and Opportunity:  Determining Responsibility in an Arson Case
This module uses the Motive, Means, and Opportunity case study to demonstrate how responsibility is determined in an arson case. (more)

Physical Evidence at the Fire Scene
The program illustrates for the fire investigator, how non-traditional fire scene evidence can be helpful during an investigation. (more)

Postflashover Fires
This module introduces the postflashover topic, describes ventilation-controlled fire flow, illustrates how the damage left by a postflashover can be significantly different than if that fire was extinguished preflashover. (more)

Preparation for the Marine Fire Scene
This module lays the groundwork for understanding marine fires by covering four basic concepts that the investigator must understand before investigating a marine fire. (more)

Search and Seizure
This module explains the principles of search and seizure under the Fourth Amendment, as contained in the amendment and according to subsequent case law, and applies them to typical fire scene scenarios. (more)

The Fire Investigator & the 2011 NFPA 921 Changes
The 2011 edition of NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation was issued in January of 2011 (more)

The HAZWOPER Standard
This module provides introductory information on the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) standard – 29 CFR 1910.120. (more)

The Potential Value of Electronic Evidence in Fire Investigations
This module demonstrates the investigative potential of information stored on electronic devices. (more)

The Practical Application of the Relationship Between NFPA 1033 and NFPA 921
This module explains the relationship between NFPA 1033 and NFPA 921 (more)

The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigation - Updated 2009
The basics of the scientific method are deceptively simple: observe, hypothesize, test, and conclude. (more)

Understanding Fire Through the Candle Experiments
This program presents the results of flame experiments conducted with a candle. (more)

Using Resources to Validate your Hypothesis
This module will advise fire investigators on how to approach the fact-finding procedures necessary and validate a hypothesis. (more)

Vacant and Abandoned Buildings: Hazards and Solutions
This module provides an overview on how structures can become vacant and eventually abandoned. (more)

Wildland Fires Investigation
This module illustrates how wildland fires spread, explains how to interpret burn patterns unique to these types of fires. (more)

Writing the Initial Origin and Cause Report
This module presents the key elements of the initial origin and cause report and methods of clearly presenting findings in a professional manner. (more)

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