ABC News

Man Finds Cash in Same Store Twice and Returns It

Maine man finds cash-packed wallet and loaded money bag in same store in 3 days, returns them


A Maine man found a wallet stuffed with cash on the floor in a home improvement store. Two days later, it found a loaded money bag in the same store. Gil Steward was shopping Tuesday at The Home Depot in Auburn when he spied the wallet, which was stuffed with nearly $1,000 in $100 bills. He returned it to The Home Depot store's service counter, and it was returned to a very grateful owner.

On Thursday, same hour and same store, Steward saw a green money bag on the floor. Again, it was returned to its rightful owner.

His wife, Dee, said her husband thinks he's being tested. As for Steward, he said he plans to play the lottery this weekend.


Information from: Sun-Journal,

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