Dec 9th 2010 By Paula Kashtan

Trip Out on Record Tripping

Quickly! Get yourself to a computer with a mouse and a scroll button! That's the best way to play Record Tripping, one of the most original and addicting games we've seen in quite awhile. It's a little hard to explain, but the tutorial will teach you everything you need to know. All the levels are totally different and set to cool, interactive background sound. Thank us later -- when you can finally rip your eyes away from the computer screen.

Dec 9th 2010 By Teresa Wu

Lemondrop Shots -- The Best of the Web, On Us

hatIs wearing hats the secret to meeting men? (TresSugar)

20 little tips that will help you shed weight -- and keep it off. (Health)

What was your favorite incarnation of Barbie? Help engineer Barbie change the ratio. (Crushable)

What can a single gal do with a couple's vibrator? (TheGloss)

The 15 most Oscar-worthy sex scenes of 2010. (TheFrisky)

Dec 9th 2010 By Emily Tan

Do You Like Facebook's New Layout?

Facebook has gone through a few changes over the past year, but the social networking site just gave your profile a huge makeover, in am aim to make it even easier to tell people who you are.

The new layout, which Facebook head honcho Mark Zuckerberg officially announced on this week's "60 Minutes," gives your friends a quick bio on you and displays the most recent five photos you've been tagged in. Since not every Facebook friend is really your friend (as Jimmy Kimmel pointed out a few weeks ago), you'll have the opportunity to highlight your closest friends on your profile as well as feature family members -- if you're cool with friending your mom. Sports fans will also be happy to know that you can show your team colors loud and proud on the new sports feature, and polyglots can brag about all the languages they speak.

What do you think of the new layout? Are you Team Old or Team New?

Dec 9th 2010 By [Redacted] Guy

How Not to Handle the Holidays -- A [Redacted] Guide for Single People

Here we are betwixt Thanksgiving and New Year's, the meat of the forced-festivity sandwich. (A bit of an aside -- when did Hanukkah start so early? I don't remember being a kid and lighting that first candle in July. Yet here we are, just easing into December, and it's already over.)

Houses and stores are bedecked, people are hanging out with their loved ones, holiday parties are giving us an excuse to binge-eat pumpkin bread and drink brandy at work. It's really a magical time of year, a final spasm of goodwill before February turns us all into deep depressives

Only my seasonal affective disorder usually starts a little earlier, like say, SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON.

The holidays, and winter in general, are for couples.

I swear, I'm not beating my usual "life is cruel for us singles" drum, because we pretty much own spring and summer. In winter, though, people pair off and disappear like the end of a key party, and we're of just left sitting there on the couch in our Fair Isle sweaters, wondering where everybody went.

While couples are intertwined in front of fireplaces, spoon-feeding one another stew, us single people are slumped in our chairs like Bob Cratchit, warming our fingers in front of a glowing "Monk" marathon.

After 30-some years of being single, I haven't become inured to getting a little down about it. Who ever gets used to not having somebody to take home to their mother or to introduce around at the work party or, hell, even buy something goofy for?

It's the season of giving, after all, so I'm giving you my thoughts on staving off the Holiday Blues.

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Dec 9th 2010 By Emily Tan

Samara From 'The Ring' -- 'Memba Her?

Daveigh Chase is best known for playing Samara, the scary girl who crawls out of televisions, in 2002's "The Ring." Click to find out if she's still haunting people and kept the raven locks!

Dec 9th 2010 By Julieanne Smolinski

'Tis the Season to Explode Things

Well, we can't really say much more about this other than this: It's a video of dudes filling a C-3PO piñata with fireworks, strapping it to a rocket and gloriously lighting it on fire.

There's something about stuffing an effigy with explosives that fills us with holiday cheer. Why? Oh, we don't know. There's snow in it and there was once a Star Wars Christmas special. Happy Life Day, everyone. ENJOY!

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Dec 9th 2010 By Sarah Crow

Feed Your Brain / Rot Your Brain



Somebody Really Wants Us to Forget "The Social Network"
Mark Zuckerberg is showing his kinder, gentler side, having recently agreed to donate much of his wealth to charity. (Mashable)

Life on the /b/ List

4chan's resident vigilantes have attacked the ABC News site and have threatened Amazon for censoring stories and preventing donations to WikiLeaks. (Gawker)

One Pill Makes You Small

The FDA advisory committee has is lending their support to a new weight-loss pill. No word on whether this one will require a tank-size supply of Depends. (CNN)

We Officially Forgive You for "Charmed"
Alyssa Milano has teamed up with California's Gentle Barn Foundation to save the lives of dogs scheduled to be euthanized in Ohio. (Tonic)

(Photos: AP)

Tommy Lee: Advocate for Sea Monsters Everywhere
Tommy Lee has received a response from Sea World, which vehemently denies the rocker's assertion that they have been molesting the whales. This is a real story. (Dlisted)

Sad Day for Divas
Aretha Franklin is reportedly suffering from pancreatic cancer, according to family members. (My Fox Detroit)

America's Next Top Tween
The Jonas Brothers' manager is looking for the next great pop group because, as we all remember, this has never gone terribly, terribly wrong before. (PopEater)

Hello, Future Husband
YouTuber Sp0ntanius has performs on wine glasses a beautiful version of Zelda's "The Song of Healing" / what we'll eventually just call Our Song. (Buzz Feed)

Vibrators are finally getting their day in the sun, because this is America, dammit, and we'll masturbate where we want to. (Jezebel)

Dec 9th 2010 By Teresa Wu

Lemondrop Readers Weigh In -- The Most Annoying Flight Passengers

flight-passengersTaking a flight is irritating enough without having to deal with other inconsiderate passengers. After Josh Duhamel's recent jerkoff behavior mid-flight, we asked you guys: Who are the absolute most annoying people to sit next to on an airplane?

Lemondrop readers weighed in on our Facebook page to share with us the fellow passengers we simply can't stand:

"ANYONE :P" -- Leah D

"Lmao.... true true, anyone you don't know." -- Cheryl P

"The person who talks constantly, and asks personal questions. A bit of obligatory small talk is fine since you are in tight quarters. But some people don't recognize the hints of 'I don't want to talk and be your new best friend.' -- Tracey Almon

"Bad breath/B.O. guy." -- Roderick M

"If you're cracking gum, I might just backhand you..." -- Jill L

"I can handle the loud eater, the shuffler, the kids. I can sleep just about anywhere and I'm not above just straight out saying, 'Well, OK, I'm going to rest my eyes now!' then putting my headphones on. What I CAN'T STAND is the person who thinks it's appropriate to douse themselves in perfume/cologne before leaving for the airport." -- AnAnyMouse

"Anyone who takes my armrest!" -- Brittany B

"Probably the badly behaved little boy that won't stop screaming." -- Elizabeth F

"The old snoring lady who has denture breath and spills her coffee everywhere. And anyone who bathed in stinky perfume, anywhere is a nuisance." -- Heather S

"Anyone who smells of smoke, alcohol, bad breath, B. O. or anyone plastered in perfume! Truly makes me feel sick!" -- Mischel S

Got a story about a super-annoying passenger who ruined your in-flight experience? Share it below!