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Going to see a movie tonight: "Slumdog Millionaire". I don't know anything about the flick, but it comes very highly recommended by friends.
Today's six hour choir practice: the first practice of the year and my first time with Chorale since Spring 2008. Don't know what to expect.
We're about to get our system-linked Halo on in the guy's dorm. I'm actually not that good, except as a supporting player.
Connectedness deficiency: I can send status updates to Twitter & Facebook from my cellphone, but I can't read replies away from my computer.
@communicatrix It bothers people around me to no end that I pronounce the word like "greazy". For a long time, I didn't know that was wrong.
@Ufly Well, I'm in theology, so the "job" is kind of amorphous. I do go back and read the books later. Enjoying an old history textbook now.
If I were a TV news station, I would be a FOX affiliate. Morally and fiscally conservative, but embarrassed by my far-right older cousin.
I'm standing behind a girl at Starbucks who is channeling Avril Lavigne from back when she was current.
@Ufly I feel like I'm cheating myself out of my education when I don't read all of the required material, but I sure have a lot to read now.
In light of my course load, my resolution to read all of this semester's required course material for comprehension may have been too hasty.
I just discovered that the phone that I have had since November opens further than I have been opening it. I didn't know it could fold flat.
Here in our little nook of Ontario, California, the scent of cows has been replaced by the sometimes overwhelming odor of fresh roofing tar.
There must be over a hundred workers walking about on the roofs and the upper stories of the apartment complex under construction next door.
My photic sneeze reflex is overacting today. Of course, I have been sitting in the sun for a couple of hours, beginning my required reading.
My New Year's resolution is to spend more time actually reading the required texts for my classes, instead of just "getting by" by skimming.
During Calvin's lifetime, the prince-bishop of Geneva was "a scion of the cadet branch of the ducal family." What the heck does that mean?
I am reading a book on the life of French reformer John Calvin, and getting irritated because I can't pronounce the French names in my head.
Gah! First day of school, and I've lost my schedule. I don't know where the hell I'm supposed to be right now.
My mother went to Sam's Club and picked up a bulk of triple-decker Choco Lovers Moon Pies. That's a lot of moon pie. I don't like moon pies.
Constant memory leaks are forcing me to switch back from Firefox to Safari. I've disabled all unnecessary add-ons, yet the problem persists.


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