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Bowling at the Bitterroot Valley Lanes.
All the dead animals would only I'm in a Montana airport.
CameraBag is the crashiest iPhone app I've ever used. I've lost at least two great pictures to its reboots.
Leaving ABQ for Missoula via SLC. I will be shooting antelope from my hot tub.
Last day in Santa Fe and of course it's snowing again. Going to take the Railrunner to Albuquerque tonight, then on to Montana in the morn.
@fauc Figure out the future of Apple, Choose Your Own Adventure-style.
@fauc Milwaukee Digital Endoscope for just $100. Great price. (Thanks, Joseph!)
@ruzel They're Moscot Yales. Very expensive for me, but I love them, too.
Going to just do nothing for a day + mostly over my flu. (That's for the 40 people who unfollowed when I mentioned being sick, the pricks.)
This is the only CES preview video you will ever need watch. Keep a tissue handy.
@eecue That is the plan. I've seen so little of the town! But I'll make sure I'm out for that tomorrow.
The pretty turquoise sky over a Santa Fe snowstorm:
Still snowing in Santa Fe. Gorgeous, but it *does* mean I haven't seen much of the town.
Give Brandon a bit of diggbutter for his great "Offworld 20" indie/overlooked list. I will personally sex for each digg.
On deck tonight: Buffalo and barley stew.
@xenijardin You like them! You really like them!
Do not miss Brandon's end-of-the-year indie and overlooked games list, including some stuff for iPhone I had never seen.


sean bonner Xeni Jardin Scott Beale Mark Frauenfelder Gareth Branwyn fake mat honan Andre Torrez Bre Pettis John Gruber Anil Dash Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Gord Fynes Esq. Dean Cameron Allen Erik Kastner rstevens Adam Clive Thompson mattbr Lux Alptraum hotdogsladies LC Angell Jason J. Thomas Matt Haughey Christ JC-209 David Jacobs halley hopkins John Biggs Lockhart Steele Karina Longworth Kathryn Hill jay smooth Harry McCracken Mathew Ingram Scott Simpson
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