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Went for my first run in about 6 months today. Good feeling, in a bad way. Or vice versa.
Any of my Twitter homies any good at programming iPhone apps? I am looking to put together a (simple) new app. Tweet me folks!
Drinking my 'buy 9 get 1 free' coffee from Caffe Nero. Hot hot hot.
Ok, no more spreadsheets. Time for some leisure. First up, book (@hodgman 's Areas of Expertise.) Then: sweet, sweet slumber.
Stuck in spreadsheet hell.
@cubedweller NYC! I am so jealous. Have breakfast at 11 Madison Park, best in Manhattan Imho. Give us some love before you go :)
Lots more of me coming! LOL.
@cubedweller Works as iPhone mic, hence ideal. @moldor Bass is great thanks to the dual drivers. Review coming on CF ASAP but an early 5*s.
Have to say that I am loving these new Apple in-ear buds. Sound quality is better than the Shures of the same price, and with remote too.
@rupertg Negroponzi? Is that some kind of new financial scam?
@hodgman Yes and Yes. Pay for the premium seating though, great cost/benefit.
@cubedweller @ryancarson Check out Little Gamers and their awesome cute Ninjas:
@darrenmak Got a link to OSX on Wind? Sounds awesome!
Trying to find an email address for William Barnes at Gearcrave. Are you out there????
@cubedweller congrats! What are you going to do to celebrate? A night out on Richard, surely ? :D
Packed train = zero room for quality time with my 17" MBP. Man, I need an Air.
@bobbyllew I am currently listening to Nigel reading Mort on Audible, by Terry Pratchett. It's awesome stuff.


Jason Calacanis Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont Eddie Codel irina slutsky Mike Butcher Ryan Carson Major Nelson (Larry) Darth Vader Daniel Burka Kevin Rose Linda Mills r2d2 Alex Watson hotdogsladies Jason Burns Conrad Quilty-Harper Sarah Lane Michael Arrington 1Tim Street Ryan Block Scott Simpson Robert Llewellyn RT Jamie Cuthill Adam Lisagor Jim Louderback Leo Laporte violet blue ® Geoff Smith Chris Caines Molly Wood Grant Bell Iyaz hermioneway danegolden