Title 7--Agriculture

(This index contains parts 210 to 299)

Subtitle B--Regulations of the Department of Agriculture


210 National School Lunch Program
215 Special Milk Program for Children
220 School Breakfast Program
225 Summer Food Service Program
226 Child and Adult Care Food Program
227 Nutrition Education and Training Program
235 State administrative expense funds
240 Cash in lieu of donated foods
245 Determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools
246 Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children
247 Commodity Supplemental Food Program
248 WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
250 Donation of foods for use in the United States, its territories and possessions and areas under its jurisdiction
251 The Emergency Food Assistance Program
252 National Commodity Processing Program
253 Administration of the Food Distribution Program for households on Indian reservations
254 Administration of the Food Distribution Program for Indian households in Oklahoma
271 General information and definitions
272 Requirements for participating State agencies
273 Certification of eligible households
274 Issuance and use of coupons
275 Performance reporting system
276 State agency liabilities and Federal sanctions
277 Payments of certain administrative costs of State agencies
278 Participation of retail food stores, wholesale food concerns and insured financial institutions
279 Administrative and judicial review--food retailers and food wholesalers
280 Emergency food assistance for victims of disasters
281 Administration of the Food Stamp Program on Indian reservations
282 Demonstration, research, and evaluation projects
283 Appeals of quality control (``QC'') claims
284 Provision of a nutrition assistance program for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) [Reserved]
285 Provision of a nutrition assistance grant for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
295 Availability of information and records to the public
296-299 [Reserved]

