News From Sen. Sam Brownback
Contact Brian Hart/Becky Ogilvie
July 8, 2003


WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback held a news conference today with U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman to address the latest developments on Iran's nuclear capabilities.

"We are here today because once again, information has been put forward that Iran is secretly pursuing nuclear weapons," Brownback said. "Just today, members of the Iranian opposition announced that there are two new locations in Iran that are being used to develop nuclear weapons. Reports from inside Iran are now estimating that with the discovery of these additional sites, Iran could have the nuclear bomb by the end of 2005.

"Furthermore, one of the sites, Kolah Douz is set in the middle of a major military facility - which flies in the face of Iranian claims that their nuclear interest is purely civilian.

"We are on the eve of July 9th - which Iranians hold as a very important date - this July 9th is the 4th anniversary of the original student protests which were so brutally put down in 1999 - where students were dragged from their dorm rooms and imprisoned for nothing more than wanting to shape the political environment of their so-called democracy.

"Tomorrow, Iranian-Americans will gather in Washington to hold a rally in support of these brave protesters. They are coming to show the Iranian people that their brothers and sisters in America care for them and will do everything they can to make the dreams for a free Iran come true.

"I understand the concern that some have about the need for stability in the region - that things in Iraq are difficult now and trouble with Iran is not something we need. But the problem is, we are already getting nothing but trouble from Iran.

"In fact, a story in today's Washington Times notes that Shi'ites in the Iranian holy city of Qom are offering payments of up to $300 to Iraqi religious students who will return to Iraq and preach Islam.

"Do we really think this is merely a religious outreach? Of course not - it is further evidence of Iran's meddling in Iraq.

"You can't call a country that screens the candidates a democracy. You can't call a government that tortures and kills its people - openly - a democracy. You can't call a country that refuses to enforce the laws that the screened, elected officials pass - a democracy. All of these things are going on in Iran.

"After all, it is the State Department's own report that classifies Iran as the largest state sponsor of terrorism. Do we really believe this is the will of the Iranian people? America must make it clear that we see the difference between the Iranian regime and the Iranian people - and we are supporting the people.

"It is President Bush who is calling the shots with regard to America's foreign policy - and he has been clear about where he stands on this subject.

"Iran is not a democracy now - but we hope one day it will be.

"As early as tomorrow, the Senate will have an opportunity to send a very important signal to the Iranian people. I have introduced S. 1082 - the Iran Democracy Act - which will come up for a vote in the next two days on the State Department Authorization bill.

"This bill states that it is U.S. policy to support democracy in Iran. Further, the amendment would call for using the new Radio Farda to host programming from Iranian Americans who are talking with their families and loved ones inside Iran about the desire for an internationally monitored referendum vote on what form of government Iran should have.

"This amendment would also provide grants for private radio and TV stations in the U.S. that broadcast pro-democracy news and information into Iran. These stations are currently only able to empower and encourage Iranians for two hours a day due to a lack of funds.

"Given today's new revelations about further nuclear weapons progress in Iran, it is clear that we should do everything we can to assist the pro-democracy forces inside Iran as they struggle to take back their country," Brownback said.

Sen. Brownback is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and author of the bipartisan Iran Democracy Act (S. 1082) - legislation designed to help create a democratic, secular government in Iran which doesn't support terrorism and recognizes basic human rights. Cosponsors include Sens. Brownback, Schumer, Cornyn, Coleman, Santorum, Bunning, Kyl, Nighthorse Campbell, Inouye, Allen, Johnson, Smith, and Inhofe.


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