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It's cold heading back to LA from Mexico. Think I'll stay off the deck tonight
Feeling the motion of the ocean
@leolaporte will you be at Affiliate Summit?
@goforextrade lots of people heard about iFart on @leolaporte. Looking forward to doing an interview soon.
@nytimes iFart is the #1 app in the store, but typical snooty fashion they don't actually mention the name -
Last day at sea today. Might enter Texas Hold 'Em tournament for grins.
One more full day on the ship. My mind is beginning to engage for what's in store when I return. Busy week ahead for sure.
VERY windy day at sea today. Heading back to LA. One more full day and cruise is over.
Welcome @thinchoc, follower #7000! Thanks for keeping up with me :-)
One follower away from 7000!
Happy New Year from the Norwegian Star on the Mexican Riviera! Video to follow when I get home.
Back from beach at Puero Vallarta. Had lunch at Senor Frogs and bought the t-shirt to prove it. Ole!
@leolaporte Yes, my mother is actually beaming with pride! She loves iFart. DM me with contact info and we'll hook up next week.
At this rate, looks like I'll be celebrating the new year with 7000 followers!
I will not be doing Joel Comm LIVE! today. @dannickerson may choose to do the show if he wants.
@rolandmillward no show today. I'll be on the beach in Puerto Vallarta. Adios amigos!
@scobleizer iFart assimilation is imminent. Resistance is futile.
iFart media coverage has been fantastic -
@mattkoshko iFart sales are still strong. I think they are down for everyone after Christmas, but we're still #1!
@leolaporte glad you are having fun with iFart. Let me know if you want to interview for your show sometime. Happy to oblige. :-)


Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Sacca Wayne Sutton Scott Beale Elliott Kosmicki BJ Cook Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Kyle Laughlin Justine Tim Elfelt Chris Brogan Graham English drew olanoff Bill Palmer Brian Clark Brian Solis Stefani Partin Robert Scoble Ernie Oporto Douglas Karr Sam Harrelson Andy Baio Mike Butcher giovanni suresh Eric Friedman hal2000 Kevin Marks Jonathon D. Colman Jeremiah Jeremy Zawodny Tamar Weinberg Joe Hunkins Scott Goldblatt
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