
Monday, April 14, 2008

in iowa's interest: welcome nccc and new local volunteers

By Senator Tom Harkin

Serving others and giving back to our communities are some of the most important things we can do as American citizens. Service improves other people's lives, and enriches our own.  That's why I am so pleased to welcome a new AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) campus to Vinton, Iowa. This is a great program, and it will give our young people a unique opportunity to serve others.  I encourage young people all across Iowa to consider signing up for this amazing experience. 

AmeriCorps NCCC members will be based at the Vinton campus, and will work in teams to undertake a variety of community projects, including building and rehabilitating low-income housing, responding to natural disasters, tutoring students, cleaning up waterways, and helping communities develop emergency plans.  Participants will be trained in CPR, first aid, public safety, and other skills before beginning their first service project. Starting in June, the new facility in Vinton will be one of only five centers in the nation, the new home base for the North Central region of the United States.

In recent years, NCCC members from Denver have served in Iowa with groups including Camp Courageous in Monticello, and Miracles in Motion Handicapped Horsemen in Cedar Rapids. Now that there is a regional campus in Iowa, many more projects will spring up across our state.  In fact, NCCC has made a commitment to me that 100 percent of the first-round service projects will serve Iowa communities.  I encourage all Iowans to use this valuable resource to help better our communities.  For example, if your neighborhood needs new playground equipment installed or if a nearby bike trail needs repair, consider applying to have an NCCC team come help out.

In addition to giving Iowans new opportunities to serve as well as new resources to improve our communities, the NCCC is going to be a major boost to the local economy.  New jobs will be created both on and around the campus, and local businesses will also benefit from the new residents and activities associated with the campus.   

Obtaining this new NCCC facility is a great victory for our state, and something I worked very hard to make happen. As Chairman of the appropriations subcommittee that funds the AmeriCorps program, I fought to designate Vinton as the site for the facility and secured $2.5 million to transform parts of the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School into the NCCC residential campus. The school was a perfect choice because of its proximity to I-80 and I-35, its safety features and disability access.

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of our new Vinton campus is that 25 percent of the 160 NCCC members will be recruited locally.  Each member will be given a lump sum to help repay qualified student loans, meaning that more than $800,000 will be given toward the education of Iowa residents.

This new facility in Vinton will be a boon for the community, bringing more business and new jobs, while allowing young Iowans to serve our communities and improve lives. I encourage everyone to welcome to the AmeriCorps NCCC facility to Vinton this June, and I encourage young adults to think about giving back to their community and applying to be an NCCC member. Applications are due May 15. For more information please visit