
Friday, March 31, 2006

common sense on voter registration

There is a great old saying: “Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.” The reverse is also true: Democracy works best – and we elect the best leaders – when citizens are informed, engaged, registered, and eager to vote. If you have not yet registered to vote, now is the time to do so. Primaries will be held across Iowa in June. On Election Day, November 7, Iowans will cast their ballots on a full slate of federal, state, and local races. And make no mistake: Your vote counts. In recent years, many elections in Iowa have been determined by a relative handful of votes. Every vote matters. And your vote could make the difference. If you haven’t yet registered, the good news is that it’s easy to do so. Here is all you need to know:

Am I eligible to vote?

Anyone who will be at least 18 years of age by Election Day, is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the state of Iowa, and has not been convicted of a felony can register to vote. Just remember that if you recently moved here from another state, you must give up all voting privileges connected with your previous residence in order to become a registered voter in Iowa.

How do I register?

The easiest way to register is to print a voter registration form off of the Secretary of State’s website ( and mail it to your county auditor. You can also register to vote in person at a number of different locations, including your county auditor’s office, Department of Motor Vehicle offices, and some public assistance agencies. For people with disabilities, there are some state offices that are equipped to meet their needs; call the Voter Registration Commission at 515-281-5781 to find a location near you.

Iowa provides registration forms in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Laotian. Just remember that you must register at least 10 days before a primary or general election if you want to vote in that election.